
Information evening on the “Cyber-Danger” by the Entourage
The organization l’EntourElle will hold an information evening on November 14, under the theme of “cyber-danger”, which aim to explain how the Internet can be dangerous and how to protect yourself. This evening will be at the maison de la Famille du Pontiac. For more information, contact Kim Laroche at 819-683-2709.
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The Youth speak about their electoral experience
CHIP 101.9 spoke with members of the brigade Jeunesse du Carrefour Jeunesse-Emploi du Pontiac, the Pontiac Youth Employment Brigade, who were at the Warden Candidate Forum to ask a question during the election. The coordinator of the project, Suzanne Vallières-Nollet said that the exercise was not only for the elections but also for a lesson […]
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Chef Yannick LaSalle comes out of the shadows in Le Droit
Local Chef Yannick LaSalle from Bryson was able to enjoy some exposure by Ici Radio-Canada Ottawa-Gatineau and Le Droit newspaper in recent days as he was named personality of the week. In an article entitled “Un Chef qui sort de l’ombre”, at the age of 30 Yannick Lasalle’s most recent act of culinary innovation was […]
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Where to vote
For the November 5 elections , CHIP 101.9 presents a list of voting locations to exercise your right to vote, during the elections to be held between 10 am to 8 pm, this Sunday. Alleyn-and-Cawood All sections: 10 Jondee Street, Danford Lake, Quebec Bristol All sections: 32 Aylmer Road, Bristol, Quebec Bryson All sections: 833 […]
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Adapted transportation for elections
TransporAction will offer adapted and collective transportation for the November 5 elections. The director of the organization, Sylvie Bertrand; Extrait – Sylvie Bertrand The service is available on request. You need to give 48 hours in advance notice, at a cost of $ 3 for paratransit, or $ 5 for public transportation. To find out […]
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Municipal Amalgamation: a divisive issue in Mansfield
In Mansfield, the three mayoral candidates have different positions regarding a possible municipal merger between Mansfield-and-Pontefract and Fort-Coulonge. Outgoing Mayor Katlheen Bélec objects to a study stating that this type of research would be expensive and that the council has other priorities. Outgoing Councillor Gilles Dionne is open to a study, on the condition that […]
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Allumettes Island mayoral candidate Geneviève O’Brien
Allumettes Island mayoral candidate Geneviève O’Brien explains her motivations to become mayor of Allumettes Island municipality; Clip 1 – Geneviève O’Brien She also spoke about her plans for the next 4 years. Clip 2 – Geneviève O’Brien Winston Sunstrum and Kevin Wickers are also candidates for mayor of Allumettes Island. The complete interview is available […]
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CJE Pontiac; Free services for job seekers
The Carrefour Jeunesse emploi du Pontiac (CJE Pontiac) offers free services that can help job seekers. Able to help different age groups, the Pontiac CJE has specialized resources for obtaining employment in the Pontiac market. Sylvie Bertrand counselor of the CJE Pontiac, explains: Clip – Sylvie Bertrand The full interview with Sylvie Bertrand of CJE […]
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Vehicle strikes Horse on chemin Cochrane
This morning at around 12:18 AM, 911 received a call about an accident on chemin Cochrane in Pontiac. A 27-year-old woman residing in the area braked suddenly, but fail avoid impact with a horse on the road. The driver, who was alone in the vehicle, suffered no injuries, the impact caused significant damage on the […]
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Quyon Recreation Park; The public consultation suspended
The public consultation that was scheduled for October 28 to build a vision for the development of the Quyon Recreation Park has been suspended because, according to the notice issued by the Municipality of Pontiac, holding of such consultation during the election period is being called into question. In an interview with CHIP 101.9, Meghan […]
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