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Knights of Colombus Bingo

Knights of Colombus Bingo

Knights of Columbus Council 7221 Bingo is held every Thursday at 7 p.m.

You must be 18 years of age or older to play the Knights of Columbus Radio Bingo.

$1,700 in prizes to be won every week

4 games are played

  • First game: Double Bingo: Two lines or one line and the four corners for $200
  • Second game: Double cross for $300
  • Third game: The Full Card for $1,000
  • Fourth game: Consolation prize for $200

Cost: $8.00 per card

Knights of Colombus Bingo General rules

You must be 18 years of age or older to play the Knights of Columbus Bingo.

We strongly recommend that you do not play bingo via the internet because of the delay in broadcasting. The Knights of Columbus are not responsible for power outages and their repercussions. It is therefore important to bring a battery-powered radio and emergency lights.

If you have BINGO, it is your responsibility to interrupt the game within 20 seconds by calling 819-683-3155 or toll-free at 888-775-3155.

Once the winners are announced on the air, the game is over and no further calls will be accepted. Always pay close attention to the advertiser’s guidelines.