Culture, Leisure and Sports

Fall Cup hockey tournament to raise funds for Fort-Coulonge arena
Despite the delay in the opening of the Centre de Loisirs des Draveurs in Fort-Coulonge, the Fall Cup 4v4 hockey tournament will be taking place there from November 22-24. Organizer Heidi Newberry explained that this is the second year they’ve been holding the tournament, which is a fundraiser for the arena. She said that they […]
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Shawville Recreation Association fundraising for volunteer training
The Shawville Recreation Association has started an online fundraiser to improve training for youth volunteers in the Pontiac’s sports and leisure organizations. Organizer Matt Greer explained that the fundraising is being done through the Quebec organization La Ruche, and any donation will be matched 4x. They’re aiming to raise $6,000, which would mean a total […]
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MRC Pontiac seeking cultural projects, $35,000 available
MRC Pontiac has launched a call for cultural projects with $35,000 in this year’s envelope, through funding from Quebec’s Ministry of Culture and Communication. Eligible entities include municipalities, non-profit organizations, non-profit cooperatives or Indigenous Band Councils. Sabrina Ayres, the socio-economic development coordinator at MRC Pontiac explained the types of projects that will be prioritized. The […]
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Senior Comets’ first four home games moved to Shawville
The Pontiac Senior Comets home opener will be played at 5:30 p.m. this Sunday, October 27 at the Shawville arena. The game was supposed to take place at the Centre de Loisirs des Draveurs Century 21 Élite in Fort-Coulonge, however a due to an issue with the arena’s refrigeration system, plans had to change quickly. […]
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Opening of Fort-Coulonge arena delayed due to mechanical failure
The committee in charge of the Centre de Loisirs des Draveurs Century 21 Élite announced earlier this week that the opening of the arena would be delayed by around three weeks due to issues with their refrigeration system. Committee member Christine Bourque explained that they had just replaced their condenser and when they turned on […]
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ZEC Rapides-des-Joachims opens new office
On Friday (October 4), a small crowd gathered outside the ZEC Rapides-des-Joachims for the grand opening of their new office. The event was attended by Pontiac MNA André Fortin, Warden Jane Toller and Rapides Mayor Lucie Rivet Paquette, who is also an employee of the ZEC. A ZEC, or controlled harvesting zone, is public land […]
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Naomie Lusignan finishes 10th at World Junior Weightlifting Championships
Teenage Pontiac weightlifter Naomie Lusignan recently returned from the World Junior Weightlifting Championship, which took place in León, Spain from September 19-27, finishing tenth in the 71 kg division. She said she was proud of her performance in the snatch where she hoisted 95 kg (209 lbs), besting her personal record by three kilos. She […]
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Oktoberfest Ladysmith returns for 39th edition, truck and tractor pull returning
The 39th Oktoberfest Ladysmith celebrations will get underway this weekend (October 4-6) at the Thorne Community Recreation Association grounds. Jennifer Mielke, a member of the organizing committee, explained that this year they decided to return to a full three days of German-themed activities after downsizing the festival following the pandemic. She added that the popular […]
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Pontiac Senior Comets sign head coach, finalizing roster
Following the announcement earlier this summer that the Pontiac Senior Comets would be returning to the ice this season, the team recently signed a new head coach, Luc Danis of Bryson. Originally from Chelsea, Danis has experience playing junior and senior hockey, as well as coaching Midget AA in Hull and house league in Fort-Coulonge. […]
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MRC Pontiac unveils latest addition to regional art gallery
On Wednesday (September 11) MRC Pontiac unveiled the latest painting to grace the walls of the MRC office in Campbell’s Bay, as part of its regional gallery. Michèle Parent, who paints under the name AimPée, has been a resident of Fort-Coulonge for the last two years after moving from Chateauguay. She said that she studied […]
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