
Six new graduates in the Personal Healthcare program
On December 2, six Pontiac students received their Professional Education Diploma in Personal Healthcare Attendant (Beneficiary Attendant) from the Pontiac Vocational Training Center (CFPP). The graduation ceremony took place at Bowers Restaurant in Mansfield-and-Pontefract. After 750 hours of training, the students are in the job market, qualified to hold positions in various health care sectors. […]
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Monument commemorates first meeting of the MRC Pontiac 170 years ago
Yesterday, the Pontiac MRC unveiled the monument that stood their office in Campbell’s Bay. The monument made of stone commemorates the first meeting of the MRC Pontiac 170 years ago. It is a traditional Algonquin group that opened this ceremony which attracted thirty people who braved the cold. In the past, a plaque that commemorated […]
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Outaouais delegation going to Baie-Comeau for 2018 Destination loisirs
Outaouais is looking for people to register for its delegation yo be sent to at Destination loisirs 2018 in Baie-Comeau. Thirty participants from our region will travel 850 km to attend the largest gathering of disabled people in Quebec for a leisure event. More than 600 people are expected for this biannual meeting that began […]
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Draveurs AGM
The cooperative Des Draveurs recreation center held their annual general meeting last Sunday. During the meeting, the organization revealed a good financial year with a financial surplus of $35 065. The president of the cooperative Gaétan Graveline, spoke of two big projects that were completed this year; the fitness room as well as the installation […]
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Drive with caution
With the several centimeters of snow that have accumulated, the Sûreté du Québec reminds motorists to install their winter tires, even if the Highway Safety Code states that all vehicles registered in Quebec must be equipped with winter tires as of December 15th. A resolutions has been tabled by the Ministry of Transport, last week, […]
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The Pontiac disaster; front page of the newspaper Le Droit
The newspaper Le Droit featured on the front page this morning, the Pontiac disaster, in reference to healthcare in the region and the effects of Minister Gaétan Barrette’s reform had on local healthcare . In her article, journalist Justine Mercier refers to the Outaouais 2020 Health Group report, which raises concerns about delays and the […]
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Details of the 93rd Convention of the Union of Agricultural Producers of Quebec
From December 5th to 7th, the 93rd Congress of the Union des Producers Agricoles du Québec was held. From Quebec City, UPA Pontiac President Philippe Lamontagne described the problems and worries brought up at this year’s congress. Mr Lamontagne, however, hopes for a favorable response and believes that the Union of Agricultural Producers is moving […]
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10th edition of the Guignolée; Bouffe Pontiac reached and surpassed its goal
Bouffe Pontiac reached and surpassed its goal for the 10th edition of the Guignolée that took place December 7, in Campbell’s Bay, Shawville and Isle-aux-Allumettes, from 6 am to 9 am. To celebrate its 10th anniversary, a goal of $ 10,000 in monetary donations was set. Once again, the Pontiac was up to the task […]
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Financial assistance of nearly $ 195,000 for Le jardin éducatif du Pontiac and the Western Quebec Literacy Council
More than $ 194,000 in financial assistance will be allocated to two Pontiac organizations – Le jardin éducatif du Pontiac and the Western Quebec Literacy Council, to help them coordinate their actions in the field of literacy. The Pontiac MNA André Fortin made the announcement this morning: Le jardin éducatif du Pontiac will receive an […]
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Will Amos uses the Pontiac as an example of Canada’s historic site Conservation
In a press release issued yesterday, the member for Pontiac issued a report from the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development. This report talks about the conservation of Canada’s historic sites. The report Preserving Canada’s Heritage: The Fundamentals of Our Future, offers 17 recommendations to better protect these places. The Committee’s study was spread […]
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