
Budding voters; high school students learn about democracy
As part of the Young Voters program, a program that educates high school students about democracy, students from école secondaire Sieur-de-Coulonge participated in activities that also raised awareness of some politicians. One of the participants, Anaïs Laflèche, talks about a survey asking what the students would like to see in their municipality: Clip – Anaïs […]
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CAA-Quebec educates seniors on good driving habits
Over the next 10 years, there will be more than 1.5 million seniors on Québec roads, and while good driving habits is not determined by age, navigating the roads can be a challenge in itself. The CAA-Quebec Foundation will be touring about 20 places across the province in the near future to promote awareness of […]
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The Western Québec School Board created the Cone Taxi Memorial Scholarship Fund
At the Commissioners meeting on September 26, the Western Québec School Board established the Cone Taxi Memorial Scholarship Fund. This scholarship fund was made possible by the late Clifford Lloyd Cone, who bequeathed $ 578,295.36 to the school board, explicitly for students at Pontiac High School in Shawville. Each year, two scholarships equivalent to half […]
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5 mayors elected by acclamation in the Pontiac MRC
Five mayors were elected by acclamation and will be back at the Pontiac MRC council table. Kim Cartier-Villeneuve in Otter Lake, Alain Gagnon of Bryson, Brent Orr of Bristol, Donald Gagnon in Chichester and Doris Ranger in Sheenborro.
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Modified medical coverage this Friday October 6th at the CLSC of Mansfield-et-Pontefract
The CISSS de l’Outaouais advises the Pontiac population that, there will be no physician present at the CLSC of Mansfield-et-Pontefract (Fort-Coulonge) until 9 pm, tonight. Nurses will be on site to help out the people who go to the CLSC. During these hours, all urgent cases or those requiring a rapid medical consultation will be […]
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World Breastfeeding Week
This week until October 7 is World Breastfeeding Week, giving opportunity to the CISSS de l’Outaouais to demystify and normalize breastfeeding to the general public. Posters were distributed and treat bags will also be handed to maternity centres, CLSCs and community organizations to mothers who giving birth.
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Défi sans auto solo 2017: The MRC Pontiac stands out
On Wednesday, September 20, the Défi sans auto solo challenge was held, a competition aimed at encouraging people to get to work or school through a sustainable mode of transportation. Several elected officials and decision-makers took up the challenge, including: the Member of Parliament for Pontiac William Amos who used his bicycle to get to […]
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Representatives of the ITG unveiled
Several candidates for the 5 November elections were present at the Tactical Intervention Group meeting in Bristol yesterday. In addition to TIG participant Jane Toller, presence of Linda Davis and Pierre Fréchette, both Warden candidates have been noted. During the meeting, Pierre Frechette highlighted the lack of certain organizations in the TIG, such as the […]
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More details of the Tactical Intervention Group
At the Assembly of the Chamber of Commerce yesterday, a portion was devoted to the Tactical Intervention Group. The mandate of the Group was discussed as well as their approach. To date, 16 projects have been selected by the group for sustained support. The value of the investments will be $ 45 million. It seems […]
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Sheenboro inaugurates a monument in honor of the pioneers
This weekend, the Municipality of Sheenboro inaugurated a monument honoring the pioneers as part of Canada’s 150th anniversary. The municipality emphasized the courage and spirit of the builders. There is an inscription on the monument dedicated to the settlers and loggers who cleared the land in and around Sheenborro that will preserve their memory forever.
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