
Pierre Fréchette explains his motivations for running for Warden
Pierre Fréchette, former mayor of Grand-Calumet Island, who announced his intention to run for Warden, gave an interview to CHIP 101, 9. During his conversation, Pierre Fréchette explained his motivations to get involved again in municipal politics: Clip – Pierre Fréchette The full English interview with Pierre Fréchette, candidate for Warden, is available here.
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Mansfield native helps deliver a baby in Aylmer residence
Mansfield native, Jérémie Baril, who works as a paramedic in Gatineau had the surprise of a lifetime when he went to a residence in Aylmer where he had to deliver a baby. The delivery took place in the private residence and was fortunately without complication. An article published in the newspaper Le Droit tells of […]
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Longer and longer vacations for Quebecers this year
An exclusive CAA-Quebec survey on vacation intentions confirms that Quebecers will go further and longer this summer. It seems that Quebecers are gradually regaining a taste for adventure. Annie Gauthier from CAA-Quebec says that less and less Quebecers are taking one week vacations opting for 2 to 3 week stints off work: Clip – Annie […]
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