
Serge Newberry: We must remove the clique from Ile-du-Grand-Calumet
The other candidate on Grand-Calumet Island Serge Newberry explained that his desire to become mayor of the island is based on a thoughtful decision making; Extrait 1 – Serge Newberry He said that the tension was palpable on Grand-Calumet Island in view of this election and he wants the arrival of fresh elected officials on […]
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Mario Tremblay, candidate for mayor of Grand-Calumet Island
Two of the mayoral candidates on Grand-Calumet Island gave interviews to CHIP 101.9 and today we highlight one of these candidates. First, Mario Tremblay, outgoing councillor with more than two decades of experience explained the reasons that led him to apply and the type of management he hopes to bring if he is elected, saying […]
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The candidates for warden’s meeting with the agricultural producers of Pontiac (UPA)
Last Tuesday, the Warden candidates for the MRC Pontiac participated in an agro-electoral meeting, organized by l’Union des producteurs agricoles du Pontiac, to express their vision on agriculture in the region. The president of the UPA, Philippe Lamontagne said that the meeting went well as the candidates touched on topics that are at the core […]
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Waltham mayor David Rochon focus for the next 4 years
After the deadline for applying to be a candidate in the November 5 municipal election, everyone soon found out that all the candidates in the municipality of Waltham were elected by acclamation. The outgoing mayor David Rochon, who will continue in his mayoral duties uncontested said that his focus for the next 4 years will […]
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Winston Sunstrum is trying to be re-elected as mayor of Isle-aux-Allumettes
The citizens of the municipality of Allumettes Island will have to elect a mayor on November 5th. Outgoing Mayor Winston Sunstrum is trying to get re-elected. He gave interviews to CHIP 101.9 were he explained the main challenge for his municipality. Clip – Winston Sunstrum That was the Mayor of Allumettes Island Winston Sunstrum, his […]
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Warden’s Day to Day responsibilities
In preparation for the municipal elections, CHIP 101.9 wanted to know more about the daily tasks and responsibilities of a Warden . François Carrier spoke with the Warden of the Témiscamingue MRC, Arnaud Warolin. He said that the warden’s role is to coordinate on a County wide level, to steer all the municipalities and organizations […]
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4 positions up for elections in Alleyn-and-Cawood
In Alleyn-and-Cawood, a small municipality that borders the Vallée-de-la Gatineau, at least 4 positions are up for the November 5 election. Isabelle Cardinal, Executive Director and Electoral Officer says that the seats being contested are 3 councillors and that of the mayor’s: Extrait – Isabelle Cardinal For mayor of the Alleyn-and-Cawood Municipal Hall, three candidates […]
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Gilles Dionne, candidate for Mayor of Mansfield
After two terms as Councillor, Gilles Dionne is now running as a mayoral candidate for Mansfield-et-Pontefract. In an interview with CHIP he unveiled among other things his priorities if he becomes mayor of the municipality: Extrait 1 – Gilles Dionne Without giving his approval to a possible merger with Fort-Coulonge, Gilles Dionne said he was […]
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Roger Larose, candidate for Mayor of the Municipality of Pontiac
In view of the municipal elections of November 5, CHIP 101.9 has meet candidates for mayor of the different municipalities in the region. This time, it’s the municipality of Pontiac’s turn, outgoing Mayor Roger Larose has applied for a second term. In an interview with CHIP, he told us what his priorities will be for […]
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Fort-Coulonge / Mansfield elected officials and candidates invited declare their position on municipal amalgamation
This Thursday evening, elected officials and candidates for mayor and councilor in Fort-Coulonge and Mansfield, will declare their position for a study on the amalgamation of the two municipalities. During this meeting, three questions will be asked to elected candidates about their perception of their role and involvement in a merger, the actions and projects […]
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