
William McCleary Mayoral candidate in Shawville
In Shawville, outgoing councillor William McCleary is running for mayor. Although he says that the municipality is not doing so badly as to need immediate intervention, he sees the need for improve infrastructure and more jobs: Extrait – William McCleary Mr. McCleary has been out and about talking to people on the streets during his […]
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Rapides-des-Joachims: All positions in election
On the road to the November 5 municipal election, CHIP 101.9 continues to present candidates for mayor of the various municipalities in the MRC Pontiac. In Rapides-des-Joachims, all positions are up for elections. The director general Sylvain Bégin explains. Extrait – Sylvain Bégin For the full interview, click here.
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Fort-Coulonge/Mansfield merger forum
A forum organized by the citizen’s committee open to the amalgamation of Fort Coulonge and Mansfield attracted 70 people at the Pontiac Conference Center last Thursday. 13 candidates spoke about their priorities and their stance on amalgamation. Although all the candidates present were in favor of a study, some seemed more eager about the prospect […]
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Advance poll saw increased participation rate in several municipalities
A majority of municipalities saw an increase in their participation rate during the advance poll held last Sunday in the Pontiac. In Rapide-des-Joachims 31% of voters exercised their right to vote which was about the same rate in the municipality of Mansfield. In the municipality of Pontiac, 515 electors have exercised their right to vote […]
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No medium level radioactive waste at Chalk River nuclear waste dump site
One of the issues that was raised during the election campaign, is the possible construction of a nuclear waste site in Chalk River. Last Friday, the Canadian Nuclear Laboratories said it was abandoning its proposal to include medium level radioactive waste in its Chalk River nuclear waste disposal project. Canada’s nuclear laboratories plan to manage […]
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Candidates visit ESSC students
Still in view of the elections of November 5, the students of l’école secondaire Sieur-de-Coulonge were visited by 3 candidates last Friday. Pierre Vaillancourt and Christine Francoeur, both candidates for Fort-Coulonge as well as Kim Laroche, candidate for councillor 1 in Mansfield. Mme Laroche explained the importance of her participation in this awareness-raising activity with […]
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Municipal Amalgamation: a divisive issue in Mansfield
In Mansfield, the three mayoral candidates have different positions regarding a possible municipal merger between Mansfield-and-Pontefract and Fort-Coulonge. Outgoing Mayor Katlheen Bélec objects to a study stating that this type of research would be expensive and that the council has other priorities. Outgoing Councillor Gilles Dionne is open to a study, on the condition that […]
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Kathleen Bélec speaks with CHIP
Outgoing Mansfield Mayor Katlheen Bélec recently spoke with CHIP 101.9. Mme. Bélec first explained why she is running for re-elected. Extrait 1 – Katlheen Bélec She also talked about her priorities being to continue the files that are in progress: Extrait 2 – Katlheen Bélec Mme. Bélec is still opposed to the construction of a […]
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Sandra Armstrong, councillor candidate in Mansfield
Sandra Armstrong has applied for the positions of councillor #6 at the Mansfield municipal Council. She explained the reasons that led her to apply and what she plans to achieve over the next 4 years saying that she wants jumpstart economic development; Extrait – Sandra Armstrong The elections will be held on November 5 and […]
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Allumettes Island mayoral candidate Geneviève O’Brien
Allumettes Island mayoral candidate Geneviève O’Brien explains her motivations to become mayor of Allumettes Island municipality; Clip 1 – Geneviève O’Brien She also spoke about her plans for the next 4 years. Clip 2 – Geneviève O’Brien Winston Sunstrum and Kevin Wickers are also candidates for mayor of Allumettes Island. The complete interview is available […]
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