
Terry Lévesque, candidate for Mayor of Mansfield
CHIP 101.9 continues its media coverage for the November 5 municipal elections. In Mansfield, mayoral candidate Terry Lévesque explained his vision and the priorities he would like to put in place if elected: Extrait 1 – Terry Lévesque He also expressed his position regarding a possible merger with Fort-Coulonge. Extrait 2 – Terry Lévesque The […]
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Brian Boisvert elected by acclamation as Councillor # 2 in Mansfield
Another candidate was acclaimed, this time in Mansfield-et-Pontefract. Brian Boisvert has been elected as councillor number 2. Lise Rivet has withdrawn her candidacy. Brian Boisvert had already publicly declared that he was open to a study to analyze the possibilities of merging Fort-Coulonge and Mansfield. The other 6 positions in Mansfield will be decided on […]
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Joanne Labadie, mayoral candidate for Pontiac municipality
In preparation for the November 5 municipal elections, CHIP 101.9 met with Joanne Labadie, candidate for Mayor in the Municipality of Pontiac. She explained why she wants to be the next mayor: Clip – Joanne Labadie Mme. Labadie faces outgoing Mayor Roger Larose who wants a second consecutive term as mayor. The complete interview with […]
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Reactions to Bell’s Communications failure last week
After another breakdown in Bell’s communications infrastructure last Thursday, several people in the Pontiac shared their thoughts on the matter. Councillor and mayoral candidate in Mansfield, Gilles Dionne, finds it deplorable that there is no redundancy, especially to reach emergency services. Fortunately, all Pontiac fire brigades share a CB radio frequency that connects the MRC […]
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Gaston Allard, candidate mayor of Fort-Coulonge
CHIP 101.9 has now spoken to all candidates in the village of Fort-Coulonge with Gaston Allard as the last to be interviewed, the mayoral candidate, explained why he applied: Clip 1 – Gaston Allard He also explained his vision for the future of the Village of Fort-Coulonge. Clip 2 – Gaston Allard The interview with […]
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Budding voters; high school students learn about democracy
As part of the Young Voters program, a program that educates high school students about democracy, students from école secondaire Sieur-de-Coulonge participated in activities that also raised awareness of some politicians. One of the participants, Anaïs Laflèche, talks about a survey asking what the students would like to see in their municipality: Clip – Anaïs […]
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CHIP interviews candidates for the position of councillor # 3 in Fort-Coulonge
In preparation of the November 5 elections, both candidates for the position of councillor number three in the Village of Fort-Coulonge granted an interview to CHIP 101.9. Mélissa Lemay explained what she would like to accomplish and how she sees her role as councillor if she is elected: Clip – Mélissa Lemay On his end, […]
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Public Consultation of the Citizens Committee open to the Fort-Coulonge / Mansfield merger on October 26
The Citizen Amalgamation Committee (CCOF) for Fort-Coulonge and Mansfield is holding a public consultation on October 26 at the Pontiac Conference Center to learn more about the positions of candidates or elected representatives of the Fort-Coulonge/Mansfield area. Benoit Paré and Fernande Lacroix of Committee say that that they will explore what is the role of […]
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Christine Francoeur, councillor number one candidate in Fort-Coulonge
Still in on the Fort-Coulonge Municipal election front, the candidate for the position of councillor number one, Christine Francœur, said she wished to contribute to the council in different ways if she is elected. She said she was interested in running after getting informed about the state of the municipality: Clip – Christine Francœur The […]
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Jacques Masseau candidate for Mayor of Fort-Coulonge
With the elections coming up quickly, outgoing Fort-Coulonge Councillor Jacques Masseau explained the various reasons that led him to submit his candidacy for mayor: Clip 1 – Jacques Masseau He also insisted on setting up structures to promote the economy within the village of Fort-Coulonge: Clip 2 – Jacques Masseau CHIP 101.9 will present next […]
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