Gilles Dionne, candidate for Mayor of Mansfield

Gilles Dionne, candidate for Mayor of Mansfield

25 October 2017 à 12:00 am

Updated on 27 July 2023 à 1:24 pm

After two terms as Councillor, Gilles Dionne is now running as a mayoral candidate for Mansfield-et-Pontefract. In an interview with CHIP he unveiled among other things his priorities if he becomes mayor of the municipality:

Extrait 1 – Gilles Dionne

Without giving his approval to a possible merger with Fort-Coulonge, Gilles Dionne said he was open to a study but emphasized that all possibilities would be considered:

Extrait 2 – Gilles Dionne

The complete interview with Gilles Dionne is available here.
