Warden’s Day to Day responsibilities

Warden’s Day to Day responsibilities

26 October 2017 à 12:00 am

Updated on 27 July 2023 à 1:21 pm

In preparation for the municipal elections, CHIP 101.9 wanted to know more about the daily tasks and responsibilities of a Warden . François Carrier spoke with the Warden of the Témiscamingue MRC, Arnaud Warolin. He said that the warden’s role is to coordinate on a County wide level, to steer all the municipalities and organizations in an MRC in a common direction:

Extrait 1 – Arnaud Warolin

During the conversation, Arnaud Warolin also explained a basic hierarchical rule that should exist in all municipalities concerning the relationship between the Warden and the MRC’s employees, saying that the Warden does not manage employees, that job belongs to the Director General:

Extrait 2 – Arnaud Warolin

The interview with the Warden of the Témiscamingue MRC Arnaud Warolin is available here.