Local News

Meeting for flood victims in Fort-Coulonge: many questions and emotions
The crowd filled the Knights of Columbus Hall in Fort-Coulonge, last night, as an estimated 300 people were in attendance. Quite a lot of information was communicated during the meeting such as the various programs and options that are offered to the citizens. Citizens like Lucienne Laporte-Denault, who is currently asking questions about the situation: […]
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The level of the Ottawa River again revised upwards
The Ottawa River Regulatory Planning Board has revised the forecasted water level for the Coulonge lake area. The water level of the river is expected to increase to 109.35m above mean sea level. As of 5pm yesterday, Thursday May 9th, water levels of the Coulonge lake area of the Ottawa river reached 108.96m, as a […]
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General Assembly of the Jardin Éducatif du Pontiac
The Jardin Éducatif du Pontiac will hold its Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, June 12, at 5:30 pm, at the little red Winery in Shawville. A light snack will be served. Participants are asked to confirm their attendance before June 3 at 819-648-5402 or by email at
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Otter Lake: rinsing water lines on May 13th
The Municipality of Otter Lake is informing its residents that the municipality will rinse their waterlines on May 13th. It is therefore recommended that citizens prepare for the reduces or non-consumption of water during this day and it is also suggested to avoid using water for laundry as it may cause discolouration.
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Upper Pontiac prepares for next wave of floods
In a press release, the municipalities of Upper Pontiac (Isle-aux-Allumettes, Chichester and Sheenboro) informed its’ residents to prepare for a next wave of floods. “Even though the waters seem to have dropped in some areas of our municipalities, it now has begun rising significantly near the West of L’Isle-aux-Allumettes (Head of the Island) and in […]
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Municipality of Pontiac: evacuations maintained, assistance to the victims and waste collection
The Municipality of Pontiac has updated its information on its Facebook page, concerning the floods and the situation on its territory, still in a state of emergency. Given the high-water level, which is expected to increase over the next few days, the municipality is maintaining evacuations and asking citizens not to remove the sandbags that […]
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Bouffe Pontiac helps the victims
The organization Bouffe Pontiac has been involved in the spring flooding 2019 to help victims, offering food and clothing. Kim Laroche, the General Manager, explained to CHIP 101.9 how events have unfolded since the floods began. According to Kim Laroche, there has been more demand since the Red Cross moved out of Fort-Coulonge / Mansfield. […]
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Rapides-des-Joachims: the dikes had to be reinforced
The flooding situation is still being closely monitored in Rapides-des-Joachims. Over the last few hours the water level of the Ottawa River has increased considerably. The director general of the municipality, Sylvain Bégin, confirmed to CHIP 101.9 that the river is approaching Main Street. The dike has since been reinforced to protect this area. The […]
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Why is there a second wave of floods on its’ way?
While in several areas of the Ottawa River the water levels have stabilized after a first major floods, others such as Coulonge Lake are expected to increase significantly by Friday and cause a second flood on the Pontiac territory. The chief engineer of the Ottawa River Regulation planning board, Manon Lalonde, explained the reason for […]
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The Ottawa River summit is expected soon
The various municipalities in the Coulonge Lake area of the Ottawa River have been monitor the situation very closely as water levels continue to rise. They are: L’Isle-aux-Allumettes, Waltham, Mansfield-et-Pontefract, Fort-Coulonge and Campbell’s Bay and Île-du-Grand-Calumet. In a statement issued by the Municipality of Mansfield Thursday morning, the peak of the Ottawa River is expected […]
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