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The Ottawa River summit is expected soon

The Ottawa River summit is expected soon

9 May 2019 à 12:00 am

The various municipalities in the Coulonge Lake area of the Ottawa River have been monitor the situation very closely as water levels continue to rise. They are: L’Isle-aux-Allumettes, Waltham, Mansfield-et-Pontefract, Fort-Coulonge and Campbell’s Bay and Île-du-Grand-Calumet.

In a statement issued by the Municipality of Mansfield Thursday morning, the peak of the Ottawa River is expected on Saturday, according to the latest forecasts. The municipality mentioned that it is “difficult” at this time to predict how these levels will affect the Coulonge River, insisting on describing the current situation as “critical”.

People are being asked to prepare for these new heights, to protect themselves and to evacuate their homes to ensure the safety of all. The municipality of Mansfield reported that emergency services will also become less accessible and, those who can, are always asked to give their time to make sandbags at the Mansfield pit (32 ch. du lac de la truite.)

To report a situation or to obtain information; contact the Municipal Office of Fort-Coulonge 819-683-2944 ext 221. For any emergency, contact 911.

In Campbell’s Bay, the municipality is also encouraging residents to prepare accordingly. The evacuation notices issued on April 26th and 27th are still in effect and it is possible to contact the municipal office to receive sandbags. It should be noted that River and Second Streets (from McLellan Street) remain closed. In order to ensure the safety of all and the integrity of the sand dikes, the municipality is requesting that all motorized vehicles be used in limited fashion and that traffic. The preventive notice to reduce water consumption so that the pressure on the networks is reduced also remains in effect.