Local News

The impact of floods on agriculture in the Pontiac
The floods have had consequences in several areas in the region. From an agricultural stand point, Farmer across the region have felt the effects of the floods and of this spring’s unpredictable weather. David Gillespie, a farmer from Isle-aux-Allumettes, explains the challenges they face this spring. He believes that climate change will have other impacts […]
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Despite the lowering of the river level: municipalities remain on alert
The levels of the Ottawa River are declining, which has not had an effect on municipalities from being vigilant and continuing to monitor the situation very closely. In Mansfield, the municipality reminded its’ residents, this week, that it is essential not to forget that, even though water levels are receding, many residents still rely on […]
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Concerned citizens raise questions about the management of the Hydro dams that regulate the water level along the Ottawa River
Many Quebec and Ontario residents living along the Ottawa River have expressed concerns about the management of the Hydro dams and of the regulation of water levels. While some areas have experienced floods during the last few weeks, others, such as Rapides-des-Joachims (MRC Pontiac), and Deux-Rivières region, located in the municipality of Head, Clara and […]
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“We will do everything in our power to ensure acceptable and manageable water levels” – Jane Toller
The Warden of MRC Pontiac, Jane Toller, mentioned that she wants to work with the various stakeholders involved in the management of the hydro dams along the Ottawa River to prevent floods like 2019, in the future. She said that she wanted to move forward, focusing not on who is responsible for this year’s floods, […]
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Floods in the Pontiac: from yesterday and today
As a comparison of the gravity of floods in the region, the 2019 floods has often been referred to that of 1979, forty years ago. CHIP 101.9 spoke to a resident of Mansfield, Anne Bertrand-Amyotte, who experienced both. In an interview, she explained some of the key differences of the floods: Bertrand-Amyotte also took detailed […]
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”We can do a better job informing the public on this complicated issue” – Mathieu Lacombe
The Quebec Minister of Municipal Affairs was in Pontiac, yesterday, along with the Minister responsible for the Outaouais, Mathieu Lacombe, to get an assessment of the damage. In an interview with CHIP 101.9, Mathieu Lacombe said it was too early to think of a Parliamentary commission for the investigation into the management of the Hydro […]
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The water level is expected to drop
The Ottawa river seems to have peaked. According to the Ottawa River Regulation Planning Board, the river water has started to recede in some places. Over the weekend, the river’s water level reached an historic high. Note that according to the Planning Board, the water levels could remain high for several days and drop slowly.
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Denis Rozon, the recipient of the Dollard-Morin Award
The organizer of Bristol Dryland and the Canadian Dog Racing Championship, Denis Rozon, was the recipient of the Dollard-Morin Award in the category of “Impact Creator” who stood out the most this year in the Outaouais. The complete interview with Denis Rozon is available here.
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Garry Bélair: a resident of Quyon who returned home after the floods
A resident of Quyon, Garry Bélair, who spoke previously to CHIP during the evacuation of the town was able to go home a few days ago. He explained to CHIP 101.9 what the experience has been like: It should be noted, however, that evacuations are still maintained elsewhere in the municipality of Pontiac until further […]
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Chloé Desjardins nominated at Gala Excellence Outaouais
The Hauts-Bois-de-L’Outaouais School Board nominated Chloé Desjardins, a student from Sieur-de-Coulonge High School, as the recipient of a scholarship at the Gala Outaouais Excellence. This Gala highlights student athletes who stand out in their schools. The purpose of the scholarship is to encourage and celebrate the academic excellence of student-athletes engaged in the pursuit of […]
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