Local News

Floods 2019: André Fortin suggests a scientific commission
MNA for Pontiac André Fortin was in the Pontiac yesterday, May 23rd, at the CHIP studio to voice his support for the municipality of Mansfield’s resolution for an investigation of the management Hydro Dams. André Fortin also mentioned that he would like a scientific commission be created at the National Assembly, such as the one […]
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FREE WORKSHOP FOR PARENTS 4 GOING ON 5: OFF TO SCHOOL WE GO! Instructor: Lorraine Paradis How far can you go in preparing your child for kindergarten? What are the challenges that stand ahead for your child? What will be your challenges? What role does the daycare play in kindergarten readiness? What is yours? This […]
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Annual tree and forest festival
The MRC Pontiac will have 1,000 trees to be distributed for free this year during the annual tree and forest festival, which will take place on May 24th 2019, in the parking lot of the MRC Pontiac in Campbell’s Bay. MRC Pontiac’s Strategic Communications Advisor, Jérémi Vaillancourt, explained the events of the day. A full […]
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Floods 2019: impact on real estate
The 2019 floods will have had consequences in the field of real estate in the Pontiac. Sébastien Bonnerot, a real estate agent from the region, gave advice to homeowners who have had to deal with this situation. Sébastien Bonnerot also mentioned in the interview that the floods will have consequences on both the affected owners […]
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Floods impact on the mental health of residents
The 2019 floods, which will have affected many people in the Outaouais region and in the Pontiac, have had its’ impact on the mental health of those affected, and on the people involved. In the field since the first wave of floods, psycho-social worker Marie-Claude Blanchard talked to CHIP 101.9 about the situation she observed […]
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Impact of floods on citizens
Floods have created complicated situations for residents across the region. CHIP 101,9 met with a few residents that were evacuated by the Canadian Red Cross, who were in Fort-Coulonge yesterday. The evaluations were in regards to the $600 grant from the Red Cross as a way to live on a daily basis. Velma Hérault, a […]
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What to do with your sandbags
The water levels of the Ottawa River have stabilized in the Coulonge Lake area over the last few hours, but according to the Ottawa River Regulation Board, the water is expected to continue to drop again in the coming hours, but slowly. The municipalities in the Pontiac have begun to talk about the collection of […]
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The Fort-Coulonge / Mansfield Country Festival is ready for the 4th edition
The Fort-Coulonge / Mansfield Country Festival is ready to welcome the many visitors and artists who will come from everywhere to attend the event which will begin on Thursday, May 30th. In a Facebook post, the organizers announced that the stage is set and that preparations have been made. The work will continue in the […]
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Accident in Chichester: 19-year-old man could face impaired driving charges
Shortly after 1:00 pm, on May 19th, the Sûreté du Québec made their way to Chichester, at the intersection of Nichabau Road and the old Nichabau Road, in regards to a vehicle that had gone off the road. The driver, a 19-year-old man, was taken to the hospital with minor injuries. The two people who […]
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