Local News

The Pontiac Kidney Walk raises over $ 15,000
The Pontiac Kidney Walk which was held this Sunday, May 26 in Shawville, raised a total of $ 15,945.50 in support of research in kidney health/disease across the country. CHIP 101.9 talked to Randall Russell, the organizer, to get his take on this first walk Kidney Walk is an event held in several cities across […]
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Municipality of Pontiac: taxation for victims and inspections of properties
The municipality of Pontiac posted on their Facebook page yesterday more details in regards to the 2019 floods in the municipality. Specifically in regards to the taxation for victims and the inspections of residences to potentially allow reintegration. Taxation The municipal council recently held a special meeting, on Friday, May 24, 2019, to postpone the […]
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Fort-Coulonge / Mansfield Country Festival: more than fifty RVs already there
The Fort Coulonge / Mansfield Country Festival will kick off this Thursday, but there are already many revellers that have arrived on site at Centre des Loisirs des Draveurs in Fort-Coulonge. As of yesterday, it is more than fifty RVs have arrived for the festival. Raymond and Jeanne D’Arc Maurice have come from Sturgeon Falls, […]
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The recede of the Ottawa River could accelerate in the coming days
The Ottawa River Regulation Planning Commission stated that water in the northern part of the watershed is expected to continue to recede. As a result, the affected municipalities in the Pontiac are expected to see river water levels decrease. According to the planning board, the decline is expected to accelerate given the weather forecast in […]
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Route 303 South: culvert replacement
Culvert replacement work will be completed on highway 303 from May 29th and July 19th, 2019 between Highway 148 and Highway 301 South. During these operations, the road will be closed at all times on a section of road approximately 200 meters. Local traffic will be permitted on the portion of the road that is […]
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Quebec: a “leader” in organic dairy production
The popularity and demand for organic milk production is booming in Canada and particularly in the province, according to Quebec organic milk producers where in the Laurentides region alone, five companies produce it. The president of Quebec Organic Milk Producers, Bryan Denis, told CHIP 101.9, what is the organic milk market in the province. One […]
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A song to present the “labos créatifs” at L’Envolée
Four students from l’École l’Envolée, of the Établissement des Petits-Ponts wrote a song entitled “Mes Labos”, as part of the presentation of the (labos créatifs) creative labs 2018-2019, which will take place this Thursday, May 30th in the school’s gymnasium. The teacher responsible for the song project, Françoise Corriveau, specified the origin of this idea, […]
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Campfire Cinemas: a drive-in style outdoor movie experience
A new organization has been created in the Pontiac to provide outdoor entertainment for families this summer. Campfire Cinemas, which will present movies all summer on a giant screen installed outdoors in various municipalities across the Pontiac. The main organizer, Robert Lance, spoke to CHIP 101.9 about the concept. The first film was due to […]
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Fort-Coulonge: update of the situation
The Canadian Armed Forces were in Fort-Coulonge once again earlier this week to help remove the sandbags and plastic from the large municipal dikes. Today, the municipality plans to work on removing the sand from the dikes and the citizens of Fort-Coulonge who want to remove their sandbags can drop them at the back of […]
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Planning Board is still predicting an accelerate decrease in water levels
The Ottawa River Regulation Planning Board recently stated that the water levels are expected to decrease at an accelerate rate over the next few days. It was also indicated that the reservoirs located North of the watershed are now full, according to the Planning Board, since no significant precipitation is expected in the next few […]
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