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Quebec: a “leader” in organic dairy production

Quebec: a “leader” in organic dairy production

29 May 2019 à 12:00 am

The popularity and demand for organic milk production is booming in Canada and particularly in the province, according to Quebec organic milk producers where in the Laurentides region alone, five companies produce it. The president of Quebec Organic Milk Producers, Bryan Denis, told CHIP 101.9, what is the organic milk market in the province.

One of the challenges facing Quebec dairy production is demand and production in the regions ;

The full interview with Bryan Denis is available here.

Portrait of Quebec in organic milk production:
– 136 organic milk farms in Quebec
– 30 new certifications of organic dairy farms will be commended in the next two years
– Quebec represents two-thirds of the organic milk industry in Canada

Useful links
La famille du lait :
Filière bio du Québec :
Virage Bio (production)

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