Local News

Residents create a petition to request the investigation of the floods
A Facebook groupwas created recently who is mandated with calling for an independent public inquiry into the causes of the floods along the Ottawa River. The petitioners call for this independent public inquiry by qualified individuals to determine the cause of the flood. It should be noted that the Pontiac MRC and the municipality of […]
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CHIP 101.9 goes to Deux-Rivières, ON
Following several photos that were shared of the basin located in Deux-Rivières, Ontario, CHIP 101.9 traveled to the community, located at about 170 km north of Fort-Coulonge. CHIP’s Elizabeth Séguin took pictures of the area and talked to some people from the area. More details and interviews will be available soon.
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Denis Rozon honored for his involvement
The annual Dollard-Morin Sport and Recreation Volunteer Award ceremony announced on Friday night that the “Impact Creator” having made the most impact in the Outaouais this year is Denis Rozon. Rozon is the chief organizer of Bristol Dryland, the World Cup, and the Canadian Dog Racing Championships in Bristol. This is the world largest Dryland […]
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Beaver dams: a real nuisance for some municipalities
Every year, beaver dams force municipalities like Thorne to deploy several resources to protect its infrastructure. CHIP’s Elizabeth Séguin went to the municipality to see the economic impact beavers can have on municipalities. From the Municipality of Thorne, Rick Leders: In the coming future the municipality said that it is looking for possible solutions: The […]
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State of the flooding in Fort-Coulonge: ”Devastating”
During Mother’s Day weekend, the Pontiac region, including Fort-Coulonge / Mansfield, was still directly affected by the spring flooding. The municipality of Fort-Coulonge announced that the expected maximum water level was reached according to the Ottawa River Regulation Board. The municipality of Fort-Coulonge described the impact of the situation as ”devastating”, as more homes were […]
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Contaminated waters in Fort-Coulonge
As announced on their Facebook page, the municipality of Fort-Coulonge informed its residents that the water in the evacuated areas of the municipality has become contaminated. The municipality is advising the community that If you must enter floodwater, it is MANDATORY to wear proper protective gear and to DECONTAMINATE yourself and your clothing with soap […]
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Otter Lake man allegedly lied to police in fatal crash
Sad story was reported in a text by Louis-Denis Ébacher of the newspaper Le Droit Thursday, involving a resident of Otter Lake. He allegedly hid the truth from police officers in a fatal accident in the Quyon area last year. He would have concealed the facts by saying that he was a mere passenger. The […]
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Situation in Rapides-des-Joachims and consequences of the floods on the opening of the season for ZEC
The water level of the Ottawa River has increased considerably in the last hours and the municipality of Rapides-des-Joachims has confirmed that it has reinforced their sand dikes in the sector of Principale Street. The director general of the municipality, Sylvain Bégin. The floods caused by the spring freshet in 2019 will also have an […]
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Mansfield: CHIP 101.9 obtains a copy of the resolution calling for the inquiry of the management of the Ottawa River levels
CHIP 101.9 obtained a copy of the resolution passed by the municipality of Mansfield this week, asking for an investigation into the management and regulation of the Ottawa River. During an interview with CHIP 101.9 on April 30th, the mayor of Mansfield, Gilles Dionne, mentioned his intention. It was also mentioned that the request for […]
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Special meeting at MRC Pontiac to mobilize emergency services
The MRC Pontiac held a special meeting last night (Thursday, May 9th) to bring the various emergency services and municipalities together to analyze and prepare to take action on situations that may arise. From the MRC Pontiac, the coordinator in public and civil security, Julien Gagnon: The MRC adopted a resolution concerning a possible Parliamentary […]
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