Local News

SQ report for the MRC Pontiac from April 5 to 11
Here is a summary from the Sûreté du Québec (SQ) of the activities and events that occurred on the territory of the MRC Pontiac. According to the SQ, for legal and security reasons and in order not to jeopardize ongoing investigations, certain events and activities may not be included. Here is the report for the […]
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Interview – William Amos – Funding Announcements
Pontiac MP William Amos announced the Government of Canada’s contributions to support infrastructure projects and organizations in the region in the past few hours. He summarized the various announcements of his government to CHIP 101.9. CHIP101.9 · Will Amos – Investments in the region – Campbells Bay – Trails
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The Club Quad du Pontiac and Les Pingouins obtain significant federal contributions for trail maintenance
The MP for the Pontiac, William Amos announced contributions totaling more than $ 760,000 to four cross-country ski, snowmobile and quad clubs in his riding. The Government of Canada is supporting the maintenance of cross-country ski, snowmobile and quad trails in the Outaouais region to attract winter activity enthusiasts from here and elsewhere for years […]
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The Teachers’ strike is upheld
Everything indicates that teachers will go on strike as planned this Wednesday April 14 between midnight and 9:30 in the morning. As mentioned by the president of the Syndicat du personnel de l’enseignement des Hautes-Rivières, Daniel Boisjoli to CHIP 101.9 last week, the employers were seeking an injunction from the Superior Court of Quebec to […]
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Significant increase in the number of COVID-19 cases in the Pontiac RLS: 46 cases are currently listed
The number of active COVID-19 cases has increased significantly as of today (April 12). According to the results from the Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux (CISSS) de l’Outaouais, the Local Service Network (RLS) currently has 46 active cases, almost the double of the number from last week. It is therefore a total […]
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A second case of COVID-19 confirmed at the Poupore pavilion
The Centre de service scolaire des Hauts-Bois-de-l’Outaouais (CSSHBO) confirmed a second case of COVID-19 at the Poupore pavilion located in Fort-Coulonge. Last Friday, the CSSHBO confirmed two cases, one near the Poupore pavilion and the other at L’Envolée school (Campbell’s Bay). As a preventive measure, the class is temporarily closed. The director of the École […]
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Looking for volunteers for a western chorus frog inventory in the Pontiac
The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is looking for volunteers to participate in an inventory of the chorus frog in the Ottawa Valley (City of Gatineau and MRC Pontiac). The main purpose of this inventory is to collect data that will provide an indication of the status of the chorus frog locally and contribute to […]
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Jobs available in the MRC Pontiac
The Carrefour jeunesse emploi (CJE) of the Pontiac post several job offers each week located on the territory of the MRC Pontiac. Émilie Demers from the CJE Pontiac shared job offers and gives us more details. CHIP101.9 · April 8 2021_ Job offer_Emilie CJE intro The job offers mentioned by Émilie Demers are available here.
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Two cases confirmed at L’École Les Petits-Ponts (Campbell’s Bay and Fort-Coulonge)
The Centre de services scolaires des Hauts-Bois-de-l’Outaouais confirmed yesterday (April 9) cases of COVID-19 in two establishments located in the MRC Pontiac, at the pavillon Poupore (Fort-Coulonge) and at L’Envolée (Campbell’s Bay) part of the École Les Petits-Ponts. « A case of COVID-19 has been confirmed in the special education class at Poupore Pavilion and […]
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Videos produced by the MRC Pontiac to promote the advantages of the Pontiac
The MRC Pontiac has produced and broadcasted promotional videos of the Pontiac in the last few days. These videos aim to attract new residents to the area. The director of economic development at the MRC Pontiac, Cyndy Phillips, discussed it with CHIP 101,9. “We are in the process of planning our go-to-market strategy. Obviously, these […]
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