
Several roads flooded in Waltham
The Municipality of Waltham is also affected by the floods affecting the Pontiac during this spring freshet period. Director General Fern Roy told CHIP 101.9 that some streets were now off-limits, given their condition. A residence was also evacuated in this municipality which had been hard hit in 2019. Roy asked the citizens of Waltham […]
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List of road closures in the Upper Pontiac
The municipalities of L’Isles-aux-Allumettes, Chichester and Sheenboro have issued a list of the closed roads in their municipalities as of 5 p.m. yesterday (May 2). L’Isles-aux-Allumettes : Chemin M (entirely) Chemin F (entirely) Chemin G (last houses) Chemin P (after #34) Chemin Owl’s Landing (eastbound) Chemin O’Briens Bay (westbound) Chemin Murphys Point (after # 62) […]
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Mansfield tells residents to prepare for the worst as waters rise
The Municipality of Mansfield-et-Pontefract issued a press release earlier this afternoon advising residents to prepare for the worst as the forecasted levels of the Ottawa River are set to match and exceed the levels seen during the floods of 2017. “It is important to be prepared for the worst case scenario,” the statement reads. “We […]
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Chemin de la Chute closed north of the Terry-Fox bridge in Mansfield
The municipality of Mansfield-et-Pontefract issued a press release yesterday (May 1) about major issues with the culvert near 800 chemin de la Chute. “Presently the water from the march is flowing over the municipal road and the flow of water has affected the roadway dangerously,” the statement reads. “The situation requires us to close the […]
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State of Emergency declared in Fort-Coulonge
The Municipality of Fort-Coulonge has declared a state of emergency due to the rapid increase in water levels along the Ottawa river. Fort-Coulonge Mayor Christine Francoeur told CHIP 101.9 that the water filtration facility’s pumps are currently working, but the pumps may not be able to continue stabilizing the water’s level through excessive use. However, […]
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Mansfield mayor gives update on flooding
With the rain across the region over the weekend, authorities expect the levels and flows of the Ottawa River to rise over the coming days. The latest update from the Ottawa River Regulation Planning Board, issued on April 30, notes that the precipitation will raise levels above those seen in previous weeks. “Principle reservoirs are […]
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Interview – Sandra Armstrong – flood update May 1
Mansfield-et-Pontefract Mayor Sandra Armstrong gives an update on flooding in the community on May 1.
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Three roads closed due to washouts in the ZECs
The Ministry of natural resources and forests is advising the public that three roads in local ZECs are currently impassible due to severe washouts, affecting access to the territory as well as several vacation leases. In ZEC St-Patrice, chemin Schyan is impassable between kilometre 10 and 12.3. In ZEC Rapides- des-Joachims, chemin Rapides- des-Joachims is […]
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Chemin Thomas-Lefebvre closed completely from #175 to 181
The situation on chemin Thomas-Lefebvre is now too dangerous according to the Municipality of Mansfield-et-Pontefract, which has decided to completely close the road between addresses 175 and 181, including to local traffic. This was announced this morning (April 28), by Mayor Sandra Armstrong. “So, yes for chemin Thomas-Lefebvre, you knew that we had it closed […]
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Levels predicted to remain stable from Lac Coulonge to Lac Deschênes
The Ottawa River Regulation Planning Board has continued to publish daily updates on the levels and flows of the river throughout this spring freshet period. The latest update, from April 27, notes that while levels from snowpack in the lower portion of the basin may have peaked between April 21 and 23, depending on location, […]
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