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Chemin Thomas-Lefebvre closed completely from #175 to 181

Chemin Thomas-Lefebvre closed completely from #175 to 181

28 April 2023 à 2:11 pm

Updated on 3 May 2023 à 9:07 am

The situation on chemin Thomas-Lefebvre is now too dangerous according to the Municipality of Mansfield-et-Pontefract, which has decided to completely close the road between addresses 175 and 181, including to local traffic. This was announced this morning (April 28), by Mayor Sandra Armstrong.

“So, yes for chemin Thomas-Lefebvre, you knew that we had it closed this week just to let residents cross, but now, what I was saying or I may not have announced that, but it’s a problem that the water is extremely high in that area, then we have problems with the beavers. So there would be damage to our road, Thomas-Lefebvre, between addresses 175 to 181. Although the road is blocked with barricades, there are people who pass anyway, for us, we really want to protect these people because the road is in danger of collapsing. So it’s very serious.”

The full (French-language) interview with Armstrong is available here.