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Three roads closed due to washouts in the ZECs

Three roads closed due to washouts in the ZECs

28 April 2023 à 3:56 pm

Updated on 3 May 2023 à 9:07 am

The Ministry of natural resources and forests is advising the public that three roads in local ZECs are currently impassible due to severe washouts, affecting access to the territory as well as several vacation leases.

In ZEC St-Patrice, chemin Schyan is impassable between kilometre 10 and 12.3. In ZEC Rapides- des-Joachims, chemin Rapides- des-Joachims is blocked in between kilometre 10 and 11 and in ZEC Pontiac, chemin du lac Ward is closed at kilometre 23.

Detailed maps of the affected areas are available below:


