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Chemin de la Chute closed north of the Terry-Fox bridge in Mansfield

Chemin de la Chute closed north of the Terry-Fox bridge in Mansfield

2 May 2023 à 9:12 am

Updated on 3 May 2023 à 9:04 am

The municipality of Mansfield-et-Pontefract issued a press release yesterday (May 1) about major issues with the culvert near 800 chemin de la Chute.

“Presently the water from the march is flowing over the municipal road and the flow of water has affected the roadway dangerously,” the statement reads. “The situation requires us to close the road immediately to ensure the safety of the population. For those who are now isolated, you will be contacted tomorrow morning to discuss the situation and your options. So, the public works department  has closed the road due to the collapse of the road. It is now impassable. We reiterate that it is FORBIDDEN to cross these barricades due to extreme danger!”