Local News

MRC Pontiac resolves to create pilot project to hire staff at the Shawville hospital
The MRC Pontiac held its regular regional council of mayors meeting Wednesday night during which a resolution was tabled regarding the Heath care and Obstetrics at the Pontiac Hospital. According to the Warden of the MRC Pontiac Jane Toller, it was resolved to create a pilot project focused on the increase in salary for nurses […]
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Strike continues for the Family day care centers in the Pontiac
In a recent interview with the union representative of the Family daycare centers (CPE) in the Pontiac Lissa Laroche, stated that the strikes for daycare centers will continue indefinitely as of Monday if the demands of the CPE’s aren’t met. CHIP101.9 · Clip – Lissa Laroche – strike This comes after the Quebec government began […]
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Visibility action for teachers Collective agreement
Around 150 teachers from the Hautes-Rivières Teachers Union (SPEHR FSE-CSQ) gathered throughout the Outaouais region last Thursday to remind the population and the government that despite the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers are still negotiating their collective agreement. In an interview, the president of the SPEHR FSE-CSQ, Daniel Boisjoli, he explained that in the context of the […]
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Fatal accident involving a motorcyclist occurred on Route 148 in Mansfield
An accident involving a motorcyclist occurred on Route 148 in Mansfield-et-Pontefract. According to the most recent information from the Sûreté du Québec, a road user saw a motorcycle in a ditch near the Chemin de la Truite intersection a little before 7:30 p.m. on September 17. Emergency services arrived at the scene where they discovered […]
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Supporting your child who learns at a distance
In a press release sent on Friday, the Centre de services scolaire des Hauts-Bois l’Outaouais (CSSHBO) invites parents and guardians to watch 5 video clips that offer advice to parents to support their children in completing school work at home. The purpose of these capsules is to guide parents in setting up conditions that promote […]
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Patrol boats on the Ottawa River in the Litchfield sector
Throughout the week, Hydro Quebec began rebuilding a section of the 120 kilovolt (kV) line at the Bryson-Des Chenaux generating station in the MRC Pontiac in the Litchfield sector. Hydro Quebec has started dismantling the cables at the powerhouse, above the Ottawa River, which will interrupt navigation on the river until September 17, between 7 […]
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Outaouais still in the Yellow
The public health department of the Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux (CISSS) de l’Outaouais continued to issue an early warning level (yellow) for the Outaouais region this week. For the moment, no new restrictions apply to this level of alert. The CISSS de l’Outaouais is however asking for the collaboration of the […]
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Cannabis eradication day by the SQ: 3 arrests in the Outaouais
As part of the ACCES-Cannabis program, the Sûreté du Québec (SQ) and its partners carried out on Wednesday, September 16, a vast operation to dismantle outdoor cannabis production sites in several sectors of the province, including the Outaouais. The eradication day resulted in the seizure of 5,210 plants. Eight (8) people were arrested (including 3 […]
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Ceremony on the unceded territory of the Algonquin Nation
A water blessing ceremony, organized by First Nations organizations off reserve, will take place this Saturday, September 19 at 1 p.m. One of the organizers, Roger Fleury, mentioned that this kind of meeting was organized to make residents aware that the region is the unceded traditional territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabeg nation. CHIP101.9 · Clip […]
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1,007 people sign the petition in support of Davidson Energy
The petition to support the revival project of the Davidson sawmill, namely Energy Davidson, which wants to set up a co-generation project, was given to the provincial deputy for Pontiac André Fortin. 1007 people took the initiative to sign this petition. For one of the organizers of this petition, Claudette Béland, the public’s response was […]
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