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MRC Pontiac resolves to create pilot project to hire staff at the Shawville hospital

MRC Pontiac resolves to create pilot project to hire staff at the Shawville hospital

18 September 2020 à 12:00 am

The MRC Pontiac held its regular regional council of mayors meeting Wednesday night during which a resolution was tabled regarding the Heath care and Obstetrics at the Pontiac Hospital. According to the Warden of the MRC Pontiac Jane Toller, it was resolved to create a pilot project focused on the increase in salary for nurses in the Pontiac.

In the resolution, it is stated that the MRC Pontiac is hoping to have the obstetric wing at the Shawville hospital reopened by January 1st, 2021. When asked about the date, Jane Toller said it will heavily depend on the government’s support of the pilot project.

This resolution was resolved unanimously by the 18 Mayors of the MRC.

Jane Toller added that she recently spoke to Mathieu Lacombe about the pilot project and with a unanimous decision, she intends to bring the resolution to the Conférence des Préfets de l’Outaouais (CPO) on Monday, to gain support in the other sectors of the Outaouais.

More details on this will be available soon.