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Outaouais still in the Yellow

Outaouais still in the Yellow

17 September 2020 à 12:00 am

The public health department of the Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux (CISSS) de l’Outaouais continued to issue an early warning level (yellow) for the Outaouais region this week. For the moment, no new restrictions apply to this level of alert. The CISSS de l’Outaouais is however asking for the collaboration of the population in regards to respecting the hygiene and physical distancing measures and to limit contact as much as possible.

The CISSS de l’Outaouais recalled that the collective efforts of the population can limit the spread of the virus in the community. The more the virus circulates, the more likely it is that COVID-19 will reach schools, healthcare settings and residential settings for seniors. Compliance with health instructions is of great importance to limit the transmission of COVID-19 as much as possible. We therefore appeal to the population to continue to follow these instructions.

Regarding screening, the CISSS de l’Outaouais also mentioned having received a large volume of requests both at the COVID-19 telephone line and at the walk-in clinic located at 135, boul. St-Raymond.

Here are the actions put in place to adapt to the demand we are currently experiencing:

– Addition of 1,000 time slots for screening appointments for this week and 1,000 time slots for next week;
– Extended opening hours of the clinic located at 135 boul. St-Raymond, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., 7 days a week;
– New screening clinic which will soon be open 7 days a week in the Buckingham sector;
– Increase in the number of lines available for calls to the COVID-19 line;
– Upgrading of the COVID-19 telephone exchange teams in progress;
– Extended hours at the CLSC de Val-des-Monts for walk-in screening;

For any information on COVID-19, the population is invited to consult the Government of Quebec site at or the CISSSO site for the Outaouais at https: //cisss-outaouais.gouv.qc .ca / covid-19 /

For those showing symptoms or concerns about COVID-19, contact the dedicated information line at 1 877-644-4545.