Local News

Fatal accident in La Pêche Saturday involving a motocross rider
Around 1:30 p.m. on Saturday (May 1), an accident involving a sport utility vehicle and a motocross took place in the municipality of La Pêche. The accident in question took place on Lac Sinclair Road. A 19-year-old Chelsea man, who was riding the motocross, was transported to Wakefield Hospital where he was pronounced dead. Chemin […]
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COVID-19 vaccination appointments for the general population have started in the Pontiac
Booking an appointment for vaccination of the general population started last Friday (April 30), with the 50-59 age group and today with 45-49. Later this week, 40-44 (May 5) and 35-39 (May 7) will also be able to book one via Clic Santé. The vaccine can be given in vaccination centers, but also in various […]
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The Parc des Chutes Coulonges hopes for a summer period as fruitful as last year
The Parc des Chutes Coulonge had a record year in 2020 and the Director General, André Piché, hopes to relive a busy summer period in 2021. The Park has already been open to visitors from Friday to Sunday since Easter. However, for the moment, it is a calm period, partly because of the roadblocks between […]
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Sales campaign for the access cards for the Club Quad Pontiac
ATV enthusiasts are invited to purchase their access card at a discount for the coming year. They have until May 9 to take advantage of a $ 20 discount. “This year, everything is done online, via the FQCQ website, and don’t forget to note that the number of Club Quad du Pontiac is 07-128”, […]
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The Fromagerie La Drave project could see the light of day next fall
After winning three prizes at the 23rd edition of the OSEntreprendre Outaouais Challenge, Maryse Vallières-Murray gave more details on the Fromagerie La Drave project, which she initiated with Trevor Rivet and could see the light of day in the fall of 2021. The project of the two entrepreneurs is to produce cheese and sell it […]
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SQ report for the MRC Pontiac from April 26 to May 2
Here is a summary of the activities and events that took place on the territory of the MRC Pontiac. For legal and security reasons and in order not to compromise ongoing investigations, certain events and activities cannot be included. Here is the report for the period from April 26 to May 2. Monday April 26 […]
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Jobs available in the MRC Pontiac
The Carrefour jeunesse emploi (CJE) of the Pontiac post several job offers each week located on the territory of the MRC Pontiac. Émilie Demers from the CJE Pontiac shared job offers and gives us more details. CHIP101.9 · April 29 2021_ Job offer_Emilie CJE intro
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Patrick Pépin of ESSC receives the medal of the Lieutenant-Governor of Quebec
Sieur-de-Coulonge high school student, Patrick Pépin, was awarded the medal from the lieutenant-governor of Quebec, Michel Doyon. The purpose of the medal is to recognize the volunteer commitment, determination and surpassing themselves of Quebecers who exert or who have exerted a positive influence within their community or the Quebec nation. Given the context of the […]
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UMQ invites young people to get involved in the November 2021 elections
The Union des municipalités du Québec (UMQ) and its Commission for Elected and Elected Youth organized a virtual event on the theme “Preparing for tomorrow: Challenges and issues of the municipal elections of 2021”. Bringing together several panelists who had a political career in their young adulthood, the activity welcomed nearly a hundred elected officials […]
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44-year-old motocross rider with driving ban involved in accident
Shortly after 7:00 p.m. last night (April 27), police officers from the Sûreté du Québec from the MRC Pontiac station went to Chemin Dunraven, on Ile-du-Grand-Calumet for an accident involving a motocross. The driver was taken to the hospital to treat serious injuries that do not endanger his life. After some checks, the driver, a […]
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