UMQ invites young people to get involved in the November 2021 elections

UMQ invites young people to get involved in the November 2021 elections

30 April 2021 à 12:00 am

The Union des municipalités du Québec (UMQ) and its Commission for Elected and Elected Youth organized a virtual event on the theme “Preparing for tomorrow: Challenges and issues of the municipal elections of 2021”.

Bringing together several panelists who had a political career in their young adulthood, the activity welcomed nearly a hundred elected officials from across Quebec.

“For us, the purpose of the roundtable was to invite and encourage elected municipal officials to recruit candidates aged 18 to 35 into their teams for the next municipal election. Because they must not only be recruited, but they must first be interested in municipal politics. It’s a double challenge, ”said Younes Boukala, President of the UMQ’s Commission for Young Elected and Elected Persons and Borough Councilor in the Lachine borough in Montreal.

For the Commission of Elected and Elected Youth, having young people on municipal councils helps to prepare the next generation and ensure a long-term vision for the municipality.

“Young people have everything they need to carry the files of a municipality. Their experiences in student associations, sports teams, community groups or in the job market bring a very relevant vision to a city council. What is interesting is that the more young people we have involved in politics, the more young people feel concerned and are likely to become involved in their turn. It’s a snowball effect, ”concluded Mr. Boukala.

Note that the round table was moderated by Mr. Luc Fortin, former minister and vice-president of TACT Intelligence-conseil, and brought together Ms. Elsie Lefebvre, former MP, former elected municipal officer and director of La Ruche Grand Montréal, and Messrs Samuel Poulin , parliamentary assistant to the premier of Quebec (youth section) and Xavier-Antoine Lalande, mayor of Saint-Colomban.