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SQ report for the MRC Pontiac from April 26 to May 2

SQ report for the MRC Pontiac from April 26 to May 2

3 May 2021 à 12:00 am

Here is a summary of the activities and events that took place on the territory of the MRC Pontiac. For legal and security reasons and in order not to compromise ongoing investigations, certain events and activities cannot be included.

Here is the report for the period from April 26 to May 2.

Monday April 26
• Traffic offense, Dunraven, in L’Isle-aux-Allumettes
• Assistance to paramedics, Main, in Shawville

Tuesday April 27
• Assistance to another organization, from La Chute, in Mansfield-et-Pontefract
• Collision with minor injuries / impaired driving, Dunraven, in L’Isle-aux-Allumettes

Wednesday April 28
• Assistance to the public, Shaw, in Shawville
• Assistance to the public, route 148, Campbell’s Bay

Thursday April 29
• Nothing to report

Friday April 30
• Tax law, in Portage-du-Fort
• Flight, Kelly, in Fort-Coulonge

Saturday May 1
• Vehicle fire, ch lac Jim, in Mansfield and Pontefrac
• Vehicle theft, Lac-Nigault
• Guard and control vehicle with impaired capacities, Mountain Road, Alleyn and Caywood

Sunday May 2
• Nothing to report