The Taverse Saint-Patrice will be closed
In a press release on the MRC Pontiac website, the Traverse St-Patrice Road will be closed for construction for a two-week period starting Oct. 20, 2020. The MRC is asking to use alternate routes when accessing the area.
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The deadline to apply for the Île-du-Grand-Calumet director general position is approaching
Those interested in submitting their candidacy for the position of director general/secretary-treasurer of the municipality of Ile du Grand-Calumet have until Wednesday, October 21 to do so. This is a permanent full-time position under the authority of the municipal council. In the description displayed, it is stated that the director plans, directs and controls all […]
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Collège Universel in Gatineau will offer a women’s hockey program
The Collège Universel campus in Gatineau has announced the establishment of a women’s hockey program from the 2021-2022 season. The director of the hockey program at Universel College in Gatineau, Patrick Lacelle, explained that the goal is to allow athletes to continue to pursue their progress in the sport. CHIP101.9 · Clip – Pat Lacelle […]
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A new reality for MPs
Pontiac MP William Amos has agreed to speak about the new reality of an MP’s work in his riding in the context of a pandemic. In particular concerning the zones which can vary according to the various MRCs. For example, the MRC Pontiac and the MRC de la Vallée-de-la-Gatineau are in the orange zone and […]
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Interview – Patrick Lacelle on the Womens Hockey Program at Collège Universel in 2021-22
The Collège Universel campus in Gatineau has announced the establishment of a women’s hockey program starting in the 2021-2022 season. The director of the hockey program at Collège Universel in Gatineau, Patrick Lacelle, gave an interview to CHIP 101,9. CHIP101.9 · Interview – Patrick Lacelle on the Womens Hockey Program at Collège Universel in 2021-22
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The monthly meeting of the council of mayors of the MRC Pontiac will be held virtually
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the October 21 meetings of the TNO Council and the Regional Council of Mayors of the MRC Pontiac will be held virtually on ZOOM. The MRC Pontiac invites Pontiac residents to submit their questions electronically for the public question period. Citizens must submit their question for the TNO Council or […]
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The Pontiac RLS has 21 cases
For a week, the municipalities with positive cases of COVID-19 remain unchanged. Indeed, Fort-Coulonge, Île-du-Grand-Calumet, Mansfield-et-Pontefract and Shawville are still the municipalities with 5 cases or less. The municipality of Pontiac, located on the border of the city of Gatineau, however, has more cases with 17. According to data from theCentre intégré de santé et […]
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Halloween in Campbell’s Bay
As Halloween approaches and the number of cases continues to rise in the Outaoauis region, certain municipalities have been looking for alternatives for the big day. In Campbell’s Bay, the municipality is in the process of organizing what they’re calling, a no contact halloween, in the form of a drive in movie with distributed candy. […]
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Shawville District minor Hockey suspends league due to red zone announcement
The Shawville District Minor Hockey Association (SDMHA) made the decision to suspend its upcoming season due to the Quebec Government announcement Saturday that Gatineau and the MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais would be moving in to the Red Zone, affecting more than half of the league. Despite some teams remaining in the Orange panel, such as in […]
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Announcement of the nominations of community members on the CSSHBO board
The Centre de services scolaire des Hauts-Bois-de-l’Outaouais (CSSHBO) completed the composition of its board of directors by appointing the members of the community. The CSSHBO announced the following people within their board: • Ms. Guylaine Marcil, as a person with expertise in governance and ethics; • Ms. Carole St-Amour, as a person from the community, […]
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