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Halloween in Campbell’s Bay

Halloween in Campbell’s Bay

15 October 2020 à 12:00 am

As Halloween approaches and the number of cases continues to rise in the Outaoauis region, certain municipalities have been looking for alternatives for the big day. In Campbell’s Bay, the municipality is in the process of organizing what they’re calling, a no contact halloween, in the form of a drive in movie with distributed candy. In an interview, Mayor Maurice Beauregard stated after concerns were raised by senior residents, the municipality agreed that an alternative to treat-or-treating needed to be brought forward.

This idea comes after a suggestion was brought forward by a resident following the Cultural month drive in movie, organized by the MRC Pontiac, that saw 84 cars in attendance.

With the COVID-19 situation in the Outaouais region is evolving rapidly, Maurice Beauregard wanted to specify the ‘zero contact Halloween’ is being organized in accordance with the regional status and measure directed by the Quebec government and public health. In the event that the region transitions to the red zone, the event may still be held with a few adjustments.

Residents are being encouraged to come to the Drive in instead of treat-or-treating. Two movies will be presented, one for children and one for adults, both under the Halloween theme.