“Social accessibility is not there,” says conservative candidate Michel Gauthier
The Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) candidate for the next federal election, Michel Gauthier, spoke on the issue of the Chalk River nuclear waste management facility project. According to Michel Gauthier, the social acceptability is not there and the support is not sufficient to move forward with this project. “The Chalk River nuclear waste disposal […]
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More than 80 motorists participated in the ceremony in honor of Nathalie Soucie
Last Saturday, more than 80 motorists, including more than a hundred people, paid tribute to Nathalie Soucie, who dedicated her life to the community of Fort-Coulonge/Mansfield. Motorists started at the arena in Fort-Coulonge to follow a route taking them through significant places in the life of Nathalie Soucie, such as the municipal office of Fort-Coulonge, […]
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Singer-songwriter Jean-Michel Lamothe from Île-du-Grand-Calumet presents his new album
CHIP 101.9 cultural columnist Marie Gionet spoke to Jean-Michel Lamothe, originally from Île-du-Grand-Calumet, who is now in Banff, under the artist name John Michaelz. He just released an EP album called Heart and Soulz. During the interview, he spoke among other things about his origins, his career and his attachment to the Pontiac region. CHIP101.9 […]
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The green flashing light now allowed everywhere in Quebec for firefighters
Since April 1, across the Pontiac and across Quebec, firefighters can use the flashing green light on a vehicle other than an emergency vehicle to get to the scene of a fire. The green flashing light is used to inform the person in front of you that there is an intervention in progress and that […]
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People aged 60 and over can now book an appointment
The Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux (CISSS) de l’Outaouais reported that appointment scheduling for those aged 60 and over to obtain the COVID-19 vaccine has started, which includes all those born in 1961 and before. Reservations can be made online at For people who are having difficulty, you can call the […]
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“A well-deserved retirement, but an important void” – Patrick Romain
Dr Alexander Zhivkov’s retirement this week, touched several patients in the Pontiac and many people paid tribute to him. Patrick Romain, a citizen who is involved in the region, underlined the importance of the arrival of Dr Zhivkov and his dedication to serving his patients. CHIP101.9 · Extrait – Patrick ROmain – Dr Like Suzanne […]
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Jane Toller supports the Vallée-de-la-Gatineau
A demonstration took place last week to denounce the reorganization of the Société de protection des forêts contre le feu (SOPFEU) which aims to move the general management of SOPFEU from Maniwaki to the Abitibi region. In her weekly update, the Warden of the MRC Pontiac, Jane Toller, said she was present to support the […]
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“If your permanent residence is in Ontario, you must be vaccinated in Ontario” -Jane Toller
In her update regarding COVID-19 over the Easter weekend, MRC Pontiac Warden Jane Toller asked residents of Ontario with a second home in Pontiac to take their vaccine against COVID-19 in Ontario, and not in Quebec. The Warden mentioned that residents of the Pontiac have reported to her that permanent residents of Ontario have obtained […]
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Jobs available in the MRC Pontiac
The Carrefour jeunesse emploi (CJE) of the Pontiac post several job offers each week located on the territory of the MRC Pontiac. Émilie Demers from the CJE Pontiac shared job offers and gives us more details. CHIP101.9 · April 1 2021_ Job offer_Emilie CJE The job offers mentioned by Émilie Demers are available here.
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The CISSS de l’Outaouais confirms François Legault’s announcements concerning measures in the Outaouais
The Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux (CISSS) de l’Outaouais confirmed yesterday at a press conference what had been said by Premier François Legault the day before, namely that the entire Outaouais health region is back to the maximum alert level (red zone) and that the city of Gatineau and the MRC des […]
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