
Overview of the MRC Pontiac’s 2024 municipal budgets: Mansfield-et-Pontefract
At the beginning of each year, CHIP 101.9 publishes articles on various municipal budget forecasts in the Pontiac for 2024. Knowing that the act of publishing the budget forecasts from MRC Pontiac municipalities is considered a fundamental act of municipal management, we offer both an interview with mayors and the budget overviews. Through this budgetary […]
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MRC Pontiac council approves $9.8 million budget
At the MRC Pontiac’s monthly council of mayors meeting last night (November 22), council approved a budget of $9.8 million for 2024. In a press release, the MRC noted some highlights from this year’s document: Total MRC Pontiac expenditures: $9.8 million Grants and revenues from services: $5.5 million Expenditure by department: • Administration: $1,970,209 • […]
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Residents invited to submit questions for monthly MRC meeting
MRC Pontiac is inviting residents to submit questions ahead of their monthly council of mayors meeting, which will take place on April 19 at 6:30 p.m. at their office in Campbell’s Bay. Citizens are invited to attend and ask questions in person, but the meeting will also be streamed live on the MRC’s Facebook page. […]
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Sophie Chatel discusses federal budget
Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland presented the 2023 federal budget yesterday (March 28), with funds allocated for green energy production, dental care and mental health care. CHIP 101.9 spoke with Pontiac MP Sophie Chatel about this year’s budget and some of the aspects that would have an impact on residents of the Pontiac region. One of […]
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André Fortin discusses Quebec’s budget for 2023
CHIP 101.9 caught up with Pontiac MNA André Fortin to get his take on the new provincial budget which was unveiled last week. He said that his initial reaction was that the CAQ government has based their document on economic growth projections that are much more rosy than the experts. He said that while Finance […]
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Quebec Budget 2023: FQM believes citizens could see municipal tax increases
Following the release of the Quebec budget earlier this week, the Fédération québécoise des municipalités (FQM), which represents MRC Pontiac and its 18 municipalities, noted the government’s plan to reduce taxes, but stated that that this budget only partially responds to the concerns of Quebec municipalities. “Our fellow citizens will welcome the announced tax relief. […]
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Calumet Mayor Jean-Louis Corriveau discusses municipal budget
CHIP 101.9 rounded up its tour of municipal budgets in the Pontiac region by going to the Municipality of L’Île-du-Grand-Calumet to meet with Mayor Jean-Louis Corriveau. Like other municipalities, Mayor Corriveau highlighted the significant increase that his municipality must pay in its share to the MRC Pontiac. This is an increase of $68,000 that has […]
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Budgets 2023: Municipality of Pontiac drops mill rate 11 cents
As part of our coverage of municipal budgets throughout the Pontiac region, CHIP 101.9 spoke with Municipality of Pontiac Mayor Roger Larose to discuss their plans for the year ahead. Larose said that this year they dropped their mill rate from 64 to 53 cents per $100 of evaluation due to a 33% average increase […]
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Christine Francoeur talks Fort-Coulonge budget: taxes stable, services increasing
As part of our coverage of municipal budgets throughout the Pontiac, CHIP 101.9 spoke with Fort-Coulonge Mayor Christine Francoeur about what’s ahead for the municipality in 2023. She said that they had done their best not to increase taxes for residents. However, they have increased the cost of services, including waste collection, snow removal and […]
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Budget 2023: slight increase to Litchfield’s mill rate, plans for new fire hall
As part of its coverage of budget season throughout the Pontiac region CHIP 101.9 spoke with Litchfield Mayor Colleen Larivière about what was on the agenda for her municipality. Revenue The mill rate for the municipality increased slightly, from 61 cents per $100 evaluation to 63. The municipality appropriated $236,004 of surplus to balance the […]
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