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Author: Marie Gionet

5 April 2023 à 2:18 pm


This weekend, the Pontiac Cup 3v3 hockey tournament is returning to the Centre de Loisirs des Draveurs Century 21 Élite in Fort-Coulonge for the first time since the pandemic. There will be plenty of action on the ice from Friday to Sunday (April 7-9) , as well as DJs Martin Leguerrier and Paul Leblanc playing […]

5 April 2023 à 2:16 pm


Danick Boisvert and Jessica Forgues talk about the upcoming Pontiac Cup 3v3 hockey tournament.

4 April 2023 à 9:26 pm

Earlier in the evening today, the Centre de services scolaire des Hauts-Bois-de-l’Outaouais (CSSHBO) and the Western Quebec School Board announced that they had made the decision to suspend transportation and close schools and the administrative center. ” Due to the expected weather and road conditions, our schools and centres located in the Outaouais region, including […]

Following the appointment of Kim Lesage as Director General of MRC Pontiac, the MRC is seeking a regional civil engineer to provide technical expertise to the MRC as well as to municipalities within the territory. The position, previously occupied by Lesage, will be under the supervision of the Director General and the successful candidate will […]

4 April 2023 à 3:54 pm

The Carrefour jeunesse emploi du Pontiac (CJE) will once again be hosting a virtual summer job fair this year, taking place on Wednesday April 12 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. CJE employability liaison officer Melissa Piché explained how the event would take place, noting that students from local high schools, as well as adult […]

4 April 2023 à 3:53 pm

Melissa Piché of the Carrefour jeunesse-emploi du Pontiac talks about their virtual job fair coming up on April 12.

4 April 2023 à 12:48 pm


A 47-year-old Mansfield man was arrested on Saturday (April 1) after methamphetamine tablets were discovered in his vehicle during a traffic stop on rue Hérault in Mansfield-et-Pontefract. During the stop, police discovered more than 98 methamphetamine tablets as well as $380 in cash. The driver was arrested and his vehicle was seized for 30 days. […]

4 April 2023 à 12:34 pm


Police have identified the woman who died yesterday following a head-on collision in Clarendon. The deceased is Roxanne Cadieux, 55, of Quyon. The collision took place around 7 a.m. on Hwy. 148 near the intersection with Sixth Concession. Police say Cadieux was travelling west and lost control on a curve in the road, striking a […]

3 April 2023 à 4:03 pm

The Flying Elbows hockey tournament returned to the Shawville arena this weekend, bringing out 16 teams across two divisions from Thursday to Saturday. In the A Division final, the Danford Lakers downed the Micksburg Bulls 1-0 to claim the James Smith Memorial Trophy, while in the B Division the Benders beat the Puck Pirates 4-0 […]

3 April 2023 à 2:58 pm

Emily Rumleskie, accused of drug-impaired driving in the collision that caused the death Sylvain Bégin, has been detained for allegedly not respecting the conditions of her release. On Thursday April 13, she will appear before a judge to determine whether or not she remains in custody. The date of her trial for the impaired driving […]