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CJE Pontiac hosting summer job fair on April 12

CJE Pontiac hosting summer job fair on April 12

4 April 2023 à 3:54 pm

The Carrefour jeunesse emploi du Pontiac (CJE) will once again be hosting a virtual summer job fair this year, taking place on Wednesday April 12 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

CJE employability liaison officer Melissa Piché explained how the event would take place, noting that students from local high schools, as well as adult education centres, would have the chance to meet with a wide variety of potential employers. The virtual format also allows non-students to participate as well.

Piché said that in the lead up to the fair, she is conducting workshops to help students build their resumés and prepare for job interviews.

For more information contact Piché at 819-648-5065 ext. 234 or

The full interview with Piché (8m22) is available here.