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Author: Marie Gionet

12 April 2023 à 11:18 am

Laura Palmer of Ferme Cedar Creek in Clarendon talks about her experience during the power outages that hit the region over the last week.

11 April 2023 à 4:13 pm

Nearly a week after a heavy ice storm hit many areas of southern Quebec, there are nearly 1,000 people in the Pontiac region still in the dark. As of 3:30 p.m. Tusday (April 11) there were 963 customers without power in MRC Pontiac, mainly concentrated in Clarendon, Thorne, Bristol and Otter Lake. This was a […]

11 April 2023 à 4:13 pm

Hydro-Quebec community relations advisor Caroline Milliard discusses the status of the Pontiac region on April 11.

10 April 2023 à 9:56 pm

Updated on 11 April 2023 à 8:49 am


The major power outages seen across the MRC Pontiac have certainly improved, however there are still approximately 1,400 households in the Pontiac preparing to spend a sixth consecutive night without power. The MRC Pontiac represented more than 60% of customers without electricity in the Outaouais region. According to Hydro-Quebec’s latest update (Info-Panne), Bristol still had […]

10 April 2023 à 10:49 am


The Warden of the MRC Pontiac, Jane Toller, gave an update on the power outages on this Easter Monday, she denounced the current situation. She believes that despite the freezing rain, the number of days without electricity in areas such as Otter Lake, Thorne, Litchfield, Clarendon, Bristol, is far too high. “We’re not seeing results […]

10 April 2023 à 10:22 am

The MNA for Pontiac, André Fortin, discussed in French and English last Friday, the power outages in the Pontiac. Here is the interview with André Fortin.

10 April 2023 à 8:39 am

Even though the population of the MRC Pontiac is the smallest in the Outaouais, it is in the Pontiac that the number of power outages is the highest in the Outaouais. Despite some improvement, on Easter Monday there were still about 3,000 (2898 at 8:45 am) Hydro-Quebec customers who did not have access to electricity. […]

9 April 2023 à 9:20 am

Power outages in the Pontiac are still present and authorities are imploring Pontiac residents to be careful, especially after the deaths that have occurred elsewhere in Quebec. Pontiac MNA André Fortin insisted on the importance of watching those around you. “It’s sometimes asking how our neighbor is doing, what they may need,” said André Fortin. […]

9 April 2023 à 8:52 am


Even if the number of Hydro-Québec customers without electricity is decreasing in the Pontiac, the 3,950 (update at 7:30 a.m. on April 9), this number represents more than 30% of the population of the MRC Pontiac in this Easter day. It is especially in Clarendon (599), Bristol (854) and Thorne (594) that the reductions in […]

6 April 2023 à 11:29 am

Still next to the entire Pontiac region is without Hydro electricity this morning (April 06).  10 171 Pontiac households out of a possible 12 658 (Hydro-Québec clients) still do not have power – according to Hydro Québec’s latest update (11:16 a.m.). According to Hydro Quebec’s Power outages centre, there is currently no estimated time of […]