10 171 clients out of 12 658 still without hydro

10 171 clients out of 12 658 still without hydro

6 April 2023 à 11:29 am

Still next to the entire Pontiac region is without Hydro electricity this morning (April 06).  10 171 Pontiac households out of a possible 12 658 (Hydro-Québec clients) still do not have power – according to Hydro Québec’s latest update (11:16 a.m.).

According to Hydro Quebec’s Power outages centre, there is currently no estimated time of restoration for the service at the moment. “The freezing rain event is still underway, and we are assessing the damage. Our crews are already at work. Service restoration times to come.”

Among the most affected Pontiac municipalities, Shawville is completely without hydro; that’s 1,079 clients out of 1,079. Otter Lake is the same, with 1,348 /1,348 households without power this morning. Many other municipalities are in the same boat such as Throne (716/716) Sheenboro (299/299), Fort-Coulonge (731/731) and Cambell’s Bay (438/438).

On the other hand, some very lucky residents in Bristol (1,142 without power out of a possible 1,146), Clarendon (1,097 / 1,101), L’Île-du-Grand-Calumet (560/582), Mansfiled-et-Pontefract (1,402 / 1,540), Portage-du-Fort (186 / 190), L’Isle-aux-Allumette (820 / 1,479) and Litchfield (503 / 535) still have power despite the vast majority of their municipalities lacking hydro.

There are only a few municipalities in the MRC Pontiac that have been either minorly affected or not at all.

Watham and Rapides-des-Joachims are the only municipalities with zero affected residents. Alleyn-et-Cawood has 25 households without power out of 340. Bryson has 84 out of 364, and Chichester has 10 out of 282.