Local News

SOS Outaouais decries $90 million cuts to regional health authority
Heath care advocacy group SOS Outaouais has denounced the recent announcement by the provincial government to slash $90 million, or roughly 6%, of regional health authority CISSSO’s budget over the coming months. The group’s spokesperson Jean Pigeon said that it’s surprising that the province would be reducing expenses, when the CAQ minister responsible for the […]
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Gilbert Whiteduck named NDP candidate for Pontiac-Kitigan Zibi
With the next federal election taking place no later than next fall, the local branch of the New Democratic Party (NDP) have announced that their candidate in the upcoming race will be Gilbert Whiteduck. An official nomination meeting will take place on November 30 at the Wakefield Community Centre. A former Chief of the Kitigan […]
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Brian Nolan hopes to represent Pontiac-Kitigan Zibi for Conservative Party
The nominations to represent the Conservative Party of Canada in the riding of Pontiac-Kitigan Zibi closed last week, and there are six people who have put forth their candidacy to potentially run for the party in the next federal election. Brian Nolan is one of six candidates vying for the Conservative party nomination, alongside Michel […]
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Fort-Coulonge man arrested for fleeing police on bike path, methamphetamine possession
At around 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday evening (November 19), officers with the Sûreté du Québec were posted up at the intersection of rue Principale and rue Russell in Fort-Coulonge when they encountered a man on an ATV. According to a statement from police, the headlight wasn’t on and the driver, a 27-year-old man from Fort-Coulonge, […]
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Fort-Coulonge Knights of Columbus gear up for annual guignolée
The members of the Fort-Coulonge Knights of Columbus will once again be holding their annual “guignolée” or food drive for those in need in the area in early December. Ken Hobbs, one of the organizers, explained that they typically distribute around 100 food baskets to families in need in the Fort-Coulonge/Mansfield area. This year, on […]
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Outaouais community organizations call for increase in provincial funding
With Quebec’s fall economic update scheduled for November 21, an umbrella group representing autonomous community organizations in the Outaouais region is calling for an increase in their funding from the province. Daniel Cayley-D’Aoust, the Director general of the Table régionale des organismes communautaires autonomes de l’Outaouais (TROCAO), explained that they represent a diverse group of […]
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David Gillespie named Agricultural Ambassador at UPA anniversary celebration
The Union des Producteurs Agricoles (UPA) Outaouais-Laurentides branch recently celebrated their 60th anniversary at the Chateau Montebello, and l’Isle-aux-Allumettes farmer David Gillespie was honoured with the Agricultural Ambassador award for his work on agritourism. [Disclosure: Gillespie also serves as the Vice-President of CHIP 101.9’s board of directors.] Gillespie said that he’s been involved in agriculture […]
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Fort-Coulonge reduces council to four, other municipalities opt to stick with six
Last Wednesday (November 6), the Municipality of Fort-Coulonge finalized their decision to reduce the number of municipal councillors during the next election cycle from six to four. The change stems from Quebec’s newly passed Bill 57, which allows municipalities with less than 2,000 residents to reduce their council size. With the next municipal election scheduled […]
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Chapeau Ag Society gearing up for biggest Christmas market yet
The Chapeau Agricultural Society will be hosting their annual Christmas market this Saturday (November 16), and its shaping up to be their biggest yet. The event will take place from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. in both Harrington Hall (58 chemin Pembroke, Chapeau) and the new Chapeau Farmers’ Market building that was completed this past […]
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Police on patrol for start of deer hunting season
With the start of rifle hunting season for deer in the Outaouais this past weekend, the local branch of the Sûreté du Québec was on patrol along with officers from the Ministry of Environment. On Sunday (November 10), officers from both organizations were stationed on one of the main arteries into the forest, chemin du […]
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