Local News

2018-2019 Challenges for Pontiac Elementary Schools
Last week in Quebec was back to school for Elementary school students and CHIP 101.9 took a look into the challenges that Pontiac schools face. Among other things, the shortage of workers at francophone elementary schools located in the Pontiac was discussed with Denis Rossignol, director of the Commission scolaire des Hauts-Bois-de-l’Outaouais’ (CSHBO), Petits Ponts. […]
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CANAMEX project reinforce the ties between Canada and United-States
The CANAMEX project is a project that aims towards the development of an international tourist circuit between the North-Estern united-States, Quebec and Estern Ontario began. Last week, the Commissioner of the department of marketing and tourism in the State of Vermont, Wendy Knight, was in the Outaouais where she spoke with CHIP’s Francois Carrier about […]
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Shawville Fair: only one proof of identity required by law
By Élizabeth Séguin The law does not require the presentation of two pieces of identification for alcohol purchasing, contrary to a post on the Shawville Fair’s Facebook page posted earlier this week. The post in question, which received a many reactions, indicates that a “new law” requires that consumers presents two pieces of photo ID […]
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Works in the Municipality of Campbell’s Bay
The Municipality of Campbell’s Bay informs its residents that fire hydrant inspections and rinsing of drinking water pipes will continue from September 10 to 14, which could result in a temporary decrease in water pressure and possible discolouration in the water. The discoloration does not affect the quality, but it is recommended to let the […]
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The Shawville Fair continues until Monday
The Fair Shawville started its weekend activities last night and continues until Monday, September 3. Celebrating 162 years , the Fair expects to welcome between 30,000 and 40,000 people this year. One of the organizers, Charleen Moore, talks about the attractions during the fair. Starting tonight at 7:30 pm, Beyond Driven will open for Nova […]
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Overview with AutonHomme about the election campaign
As part of our Provincial Election campaign coverage, CHIP 101,9 spoke with the Director General of Autonhomme, Tyler Ladouceur, about what he and the organisations will be looking out for during the elections campaign: Autonhomme is a non profit organisation who helps men in need on a wide range of issues such as mental health, […]
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Regulation respecting collisions on the Highway 148
The Pontiac MRC issued a public notice on its website this week regarding the adoption of a by-law by the Municipality of Pontiac, billing non-resident drivers involved in Highway 148 collisions. The MRC wanted to remind everyone the municipality of Pontiac is not located within the MRC of Pontiac, “but in the Regional County Municipality […]
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Summary of the Sphinx Resources AGM
Resources Sphinx Mining held its Annual General Meeting yesterday afternoon at the Municipal Hall of Grand Calumet Island. Sphinx is among others who own the rights to the Calumet-Sud project and is carrying out zinc mineral exploration work in the same municipality. About twenty people attended the meeting. Élizabeth Séguin got the rundown for the […]
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The UMQ presents its platform to the elected officials of the Outaouais
The President of the Union of Municipalities of Quebec (UMQ) and Mayor of Drummondville, Alexandre Cusson is passing through the Outaouais today (Wednesday, August 29). CHIP 101.9 met with him regarding the Union’s priorities for the 2018 elections: Alexandre Cusson also met with various elected officials from the Outaouais to discuss the different realities municipalities […]
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“Good Back to School 2018-2019” – CSHBO
In a press release, the Commision scolaire des Hauts-Bois-de-l’Outaouais (CSHBO) wished all its students in Pontiac elementary schools and l’école secondaire Sieur-de-Coulonge a good start to the 2018-2019 school year. The CSHBO states with enthusiasm to staff and students, that the 2018-2019 school year is marked by the implementation of the Commitment to Success Plan, […]
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