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2018-2019 Challenges for Pontiac Elementary Schools

2018-2019 Challenges for Pontiac Elementary Schools

4 September 2018 à 12:00 am

Last week in Quebec was back to school for Elementary school students and CHIP 101.9 took a look into the challenges that Pontiac schools face. Among other things, the shortage of workers at francophone elementary schools located in the Pontiac was discussed with Denis Rossignol, director of the Commission scolaire des Hauts-Bois-de-l’Outaouais’ (CSHBO), Petits Ponts. :

He also spoke about the new logo and this new name which was chosen last year for the Établissements des Petits Ponts:

The full conversation with Denis Rossignol from the Établissements des Petits Ponts is available here.