Local News

Candidates Forum: André Fortin accuses Olive Kamanyana of contradicting the positions of the CAQ
Five of the eight candidates for the October 1 election in the riding of Pontiac answered questions from the Pontiac Chamber of Commerce and CHIP 101.9 last Thursday night. After the event, CHIP 101.9 met with the various candidates to get their impressions on the Forum. The candidate of the Coalition Avenir Québec, Olive Kamanyana, […]
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Pontiac Chamber of Commerce Forum – Provincial Nominee Candidates
Last night a forum was held by the Pontiac Chamber of Commerce, where residents of the riding of Pontiac gathered to listen to candidates from different parties for the next provincial election. The evening was held at the Campbell’s Bay Recreation Center. Here is an excerpt from yesterday’s forum. The provincial elections will take place […]
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The executive director of CHIP 101.9 asks elected officials to respect the freedom of the press
Over the past few days and weeks, CHIP 101.9 station manager François Carrier has received a few e-mails from politicians asking for some news articles to be removed. He asks those involved in politics to remember that no pressure should be put on media outlets to remove content. He also wants to see more leadership […]
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NPDQ open letter: Jane Toller gives her version of the facts
In response to the news release by CHIP 101.9 last Wednesday afternoon, Jane Toller spoke to CHIP in an interview describing her version of the events surrounding the New Democratic Party of Quebec’s (NPDQ) open letter: The open letter of the NPDQ, published in the Journal du Pontiac on August 15, stated that a business […]
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Under staffed at the CHSLDs: Workers on Strike
The unionized workers of the CISSS in the Outaouais began their 10 days strike outside the housing and long term care facility (CHSLD) yesterday, September 12, 2018. The Vice-president of the CNS union, Christa Fleury, told CHIP that the reason for the strike is that they are over worked and under staffed: There are two […]
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Québec Solidaire’s green solution for the Outaouais for transportation
Yesterday morning, Québec Solidaire held a press conference in Gatineau with various Party candidates in the Outaouais, including Québec Solidaire candidate for the Pontiac, Julia Wilkie. The party held a conference under the title Québec Solidaire’s green solution for the Outaouais in terms of transportation. The candidate for the riding of Pontiac told CHIP 101.9 […]
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Swimming pool project: “I am disappointed by the lack of transparency and equity in this issue” – Jean-Pierre Landry
In an open letter published in the Pontiac Journal today, Campbell’s Bay resident and Councillor Jean-Pierre Landry published a text entitled “Une piscine? Oui mais…” (A Pool? Yes, but…). In the letter, Mr. Landry says he wants to denounce the absurdities reported by the MRC Pontiac Warden Jane Toller. He blames her for Fort-Coulonge being […]
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The CAQ Candidate Olive Kamanyana at the ESSC
Yesterday, the candidate for the Coalition Avenir Quebec Olive Kamanyana was in the Pontiac at Ecole Secondaire Sieur de Coulonge in Fort-Coulonge to talk to students about the upcoming October 1 provincial elections, about her policies and what it means to be a candidate for the CAQ. Mme. Kamanyana told CHIP why it’s important to […]
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The CAQ Candidate Olive Kamanyana criticizes André Fortin
The Candidate for the Coalition Avenir Quebec Olive Kamanyana, officially launched her campaign Monday, where she took the opportunity to post on Facebook her thanks to l’Équité Outaouais for organising the debate held last Thursday in Aylmer and criticize André Fortin. CHIP had a chance to ask Mme. Kamanyana about the timing of the post: […]
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An SME owner targeted in the NPDQ letter is the Pontiac warden, Jane Toller
A report by Élizabeth Séguin The CHIP 101.9 news room has obtained the identity of the business person targeted in the letter of the Nouveau partidémocratique du Québec (NPDQ), which was published in the Pontiac Journal on August 15, 2018, entitled “Des obstacles réels à la participation politique”. After multiple verifications and testimonials, CHIP 101.9 […]
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