Local News

CANAMEX and the National Park Project draw attention to the MRC Pontiac
Yesterday the public meeting of the MRC Pontiac was held. Amoung the topics of discussion include The CANAMEX exchange project on agriculture, tourism, the economy, among other things, between the North-East United States Ontario and Quebec, as well as the project to establish a national park on Ile-du-Grand-Calumet, project instigated by businessman Joe Kowalski. CHIP’s […]
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An awareness campaign for composting is launched in the Municipality of Pontiac
The Municipality of Pontiac, Cantley and Chelsea held a press conference yesterday to raise awareness about composting for next year. Promotion of this campaign will mainly take place on the web, for the Municipality of Pontiac, composting will begin in June 2019. The Quebec law surrounding waste management will make it illegal to dispose of […]
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Conservatives announce Candidate in Pontiac for 2019 Federal Election
Canada’s Conservative leader Andrew Scheer will participate in the announcement of Dave Blackburn’s official nomination for the Conservative Party of Canada in the riding of Pontiac. The meeting will be held at the Boston Pizza Le Plateau located at 247, boul. des Grives located in Hull from 5pm. The next federal election will be held […]
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Healthcare and the economy focus of the Pontiac Candidate Forum organized by the Pontiac Chamber of Commerce
The economy and healthcare were at the centre of discussion during the Pontiac Candidate Forum. The candidate of the Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ), Olive Kamanyana, spoke about her party’s platform for healthcare in the Outaouais: The outgoing MNA, Liberal André Fortin, focused more on the economy, including the establishment of the Tactical Intervention Group. The […]
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Inauguration of the new public library in the municipality of l’Ile du Grand Calumet
The Inauguration of the new public library in the municipality of l’Ile du Grand-Calumet was held on Thursday September 13. The general director of the municipality Sabrina Larivière, told CHIP that the new location of the library will be much more beneficial for the students of St-Anne Elementary: The old library location will be used […]
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CPAWS art exhibition at Coronation Hall Cider Mills
On October 5-8, CPAWS will hold an art exhibition at Coronation Hall Cider Mills in Bristol in conjunction with their 10th anniversary. The exhibition will feature works created during our 2018 DRAW- Dumoine River Art for Wilderness- retreat held in August. Works by well known local artists Becky Mason and Reid Mclachlin as well as […]
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Marie-Claire Nivolon in the Outaouais during Jean-François Lisée’s tour of the region
Pontiac’s candidate for the Parti Québécois, Marie-Claire Nivolon, was with the leader of the party this weekend when Jean-François Lisée was in the Outaouais, for a press briefing. Sings for the PQ candidate have also appeared in recent days. Mme. Nivolon refused all of CHIP’s past requests for an interview.
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It’s official: there will be 8 candidates in Pontiac
Following the closing of nominations for the October 1 provincial election, 8 candidates are running in the riding of Pontiac. Here is the official list available on the website of the Chief Electoral Officer (DGEQ). liste officielle – candidats dans la circonscription de Pontiac Candidat(e) Appartenance politique Agent(e) officiel(le) Roger Fleury Parti vert du Québec/Green […]
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Marxist-Leninist Party candidate Louis Lang interviewed at CHIP 101.9
The Marxist-Leninist Party candidate in the Pontiac riding, Louis Lang, gave an interview to CHIP 101.9 where he explained his vision of democracy: Louis Lang was employed by Canada Post until he retired. He was a candidate in the 1989, 1994 and 2003 elections, always in the riding of Pontiac and under the Marxist-Leninist party. […]
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Jane Toller replies to the Jean-Pierre Landry’s open letter
An open letter by a Campbell’s Bay resident, Jean-Pierre Landry, was published in the Pontiac Journal and in The Equity newspaper, criticizing the MRC Pontiac Warden Jane Toller on the pool project. The warden responded to this open letter last week: Jane Toller has published open letters and conducted interviews on the importance of setting […]
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