Local News
Supper Royal Canadian Legion
Supper Royal Canadian Legion Friday Jan. 18, 2019 Meatballs, Chicken, Lasagna, and more. Tea, Coffee, Desserts. $15.00 Entertainment starting at 4:00 with Gary Cummings and friends
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Browse Bristol in cross-country skiing or snowshoeing
Winter has been well established, to the delight of winter sports enthusiasts. CHIP’s Élizabeth Séguin spoke to the Ski Pontiac project founder, Connie Renaud, this week, who wanted to invite families from the region to its snowy trails that span over fifteen kilometers since 2011. a total length of. who told the story of the […]
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Municipality of Pontiac: Training for the good of the community
The Pontiac Community Fitness Center officially opened on January 7th, after its site inaugurated back in December (2018). This is an initiative of the Maison de la Famille de Quyon, who is hoping to unite the community, as Catherine Beaudet, the executive director of the organization, says. The new Fitness Center is located in the […]
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L’Outaouais sous la loupe Newsletter: the Pontiac mainly affected by border issues
The issue that stood out for the Pontiac compared to the rest of the Outaouais region in the third edition of the newsletter L’Outaouais sous la loupe, published by the Outaouais Development Observatory (ODO), is what is called social cohesion, especially because of its geographical and linguistic situation. The ODO knowledge transfer officer Madeleine Lefebvre […]
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Operation alcohol and drugs at the wheel: final report
The Sûreté du Québec sent its’ final results in regards to their “All united against drugs and alcohol at the wheel” operations. For the Outaouais-Laurentides region, 80 arrests (66 in 2017) were made for impaired driving and 2 fatal crashes, compared to 4 fatal crashes in 2017. Between November 29th and January 3rd, police officers […]
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LHSAO: the All-Star game is canceled
CHIP 101.9 learned that the All-Star Game, organized by the Outaouais Senior Hockey League (LHSAO) was cancelled by the organization committee and owner of the Pontiac Comets, Dannick Boivert. He explained why. It should be noted that the league schedule has been slightly modified following the withdrawal of the Cumberland Bandits in late 2018. The […]
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Reaction of Jérôme Sallafranque following the honour received by Pope Francis
Jérôme Sallafranque, a very active citizen in the municipality of Chapeau for many years in municipal politics, particularly as mayor, received a recognition from the Catholic Church, in recent weeks, from Pope Francis for his involvement in the parish of Saint-Alphonse-de-Liguori de Chapeau. The interview in French with Jérôme Sallafranque is available here.
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2019 Provincial Policy in the Pontiac: CHIP 101.9 receives André Fortin
In an interview with CHIP 101.9, the MNA for Pontiac, André Fortin, explained his new role as a member of the official opposition since the Coalition Avenir Quebec won the 2018 Provincial Elections: He also talked about local priorities for the Pontiac in 2019. When asked about the possibility of running for leader of the […]
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Passing of Western Québec School Board’s Chairman
Following the passing of James Shea on December 31st, the Chair of the West Quebec School Board since 2014, a long time colleague and friend, Brian Rock, spoke to CHIP to pay tribute to the passing of his Friend: From 1998 to 2014, Jim Shea held a career as a teacher, principal, administrator and as […]
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BRYSON LIONS CLUB DANCES 8:00PM -12:00AM Light lunch served at 11:00PM $10.00/person January 12th Brysonnaire’s February 2nd Greenwood Country February 16th VALENTINE’S DANCE Douglas Connection February 23rd Dennis Harrington Heritage Country March 2nd Nelson Towns March 16th ST-PATRICK’ DANCE Dennis Harrington Heritage Country For more information contact Betty 819-648-5424
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