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Browse Bristol in cross-country skiing or snowshoeing

Browse Bristol in cross-country skiing or snowshoeing

11 January 2019 à 12:00 am

Winter has been well established, to the delight of winter sports enthusiasts. CHIP’s Élizabeth Séguin spoke to the Ski Pontiac project founder, Connie Renaud, this week, who wanted to invite families from the region to its snowy trails that span over fifteen kilometers since 2011. a total length of. who told the story of the organization, created in.

On Saturday, January 19th and February 16th, Ski Pontiac will hold a “moonlight” evenings, where the trails will be lit by torches. A meal will be served from 5pm. More information on Ski Pontiac’s activities is available through or on their Facebook page. The full interview with Connie Renaud is available here.