Local News

Municipalities in the MRC Pontiac ask residents to reduce water consumption
Several municipalities in the MRC Pontiac are currently affected by the supply drinking water. This is particularly the case for the municipality of Bryson where citizens are asked to limit their water consumption and especially not to use water for tasks such as watering the grass. This is also the case for the municipality of […]
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CPP candidate Mario Belec interviewed at CHIP 101.9
In preparation for the 2019 federal election campaign, Maxime Bernier’s party, the People’s Party of Canada, has named Mario Belec as the Parti’s first candidate to represent the Pontiac for the upcoming elections in October. However, Belec is not new to politics as he was the Candidate for the Conservative Party of Quebec for the […]
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An exception to the CISSSO’s solution
As learned at CHIP 101.9 last week (Thursday afternoon), the CISSSO found a solution to the potential four-week interruption of service in obstetrics at the Shawville Hospital. A team of midwifery will provide the establishment to continue to offer obstetric services for the month of August. However, an exception to this solution is a two […]
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Midwives to Maintain Obstetrics at the Shawville Hospital
The potential interruption of service in Obstetrics at the Shawville Hospital which was estimated to last 4 weeks seems to have been avoided. In a press release issued by the Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux de l’Outaouais (CISSSO), it was said that a team of midwives will be lending a hand to […]
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Nature Conservancy of Canada; inquiry of birds in the Great Bristol March
The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) recently made an inquiry of the different species of birds in the Great Bristol March, a protected area in the municipality of Bristol. Among the thirty or so species they were able to observe during the inquiry, the NCC said that the Eastern Whip-Poor-Will was among the most important […]
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An invitation to discover the new warehouse: Comptoir St-Pierre
The Comptoir St-Pierre is inviting the Pontiac to their open house and BBQ on Tuesday, August 6th. People are invited to discover the new storage center and furniture. The coordinator of the Comptoir St-Pierre, Maria Mederios. The activity takes place at the Centre Pontiac between 9 am and 2 pm and will also allow people […]
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Classical Concert in Fort-Coulonge / Mansfield
The people from Pontiac are invited to attend a classical music style quartet from Finland called the KallaKvartetti Quartet. The concert will be held at the St-Pierre Parish in Fort-Coulonge This Saturday, July 27th at 3pm, it’s $ 5 per person. One of the members of the quartet, originally from Quebec, Élisabeth St-Cyr, in an […]
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Pathways to improve relationships between people and nature in the municipalities of Bristol and Pontiac
A recent study was conducted in the municipalities of Pontiac and Bristol on how nature makes people lives better. This study is call Pathways to improve relationships between people and nature in the municipalities of Bristol and Pontiac, and was conducted by four university students from the University of McGill. Dalal Hanna, the head of […]
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New survey question at Are you in favor of a scientific inquiry regarding the floods?
A new survey question is now available at There, CHIP 101.9 listeners are invited to answer whether or not they are in favor of a scientific commission on floods. In the previous question, CHIP 101.9 asked a question regarding the road conditions in the Pontiac. Out of the 102 people who answered the question […]
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Sphinx Resources: Lawrence Cannon and Michel Lemieux appointed to the Board of Directors
The Sphinx Resources Corporation has recently announced the appointment of two new members to its board of directors, that of former politician Lawrence Cannon as President, and Michel Lemieux, known for his implications with the company Eureka 93 (formerly known as LiveWell Canada), as a director. The CEO for Sphinx Resources, Jeremie Ryan, gave more […]
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