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Nature Conservancy of Canada; inquiry of birds in the Great Bristol March

Nature Conservancy of Canada; inquiry of birds in the Great Bristol March

25 July 2019 à 12:00 am

The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) recently made an inquiry of the different species of birds in the Great Bristol March, a protected area in the municipality of Bristol. Among the thirty or so species they were able to observe during the inquiry, the NCC said that the Eastern Whip-Poor-Will was among the most important findings. CHIP 101.9 recently spoke to the Project Coordinator at the NCC, Milaine Saumur, who gave more details about the inquiry in the Pontiac.

Currently, the Eastern Whip-Poor-Will is endangered in Canada, but in the Pontiac, the species has stabilized.

To find out more regarding the inquiry at the Great Bristol March and the protection measures put in place by the NCC, listen to the full interview in French with Milaine Saumur here.