Local News

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Musical Ride – Carrousel de la GRC
The Rupert Youth Welfare Association is proud to present the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Musical Ride. A Canadian tradition since 1876, a troop of 32 scarlet coated “Mounties” on majestic black horses present a 30 minute show of intricate figures and cavalry drills choreographed to music. When the Musical Ride visits a community as part […]
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Comedy show coming at École secondaire Sieur-de-Coulonge
Next week, the municipalities of Mansfield and Fort-Coulonge will welcome comedian Guillaume Wagner to the auditorium at Sieur-de-Coulonge High School, who will be performing a free Comedy show on September 10th at 7:30 pm. For more information, you can find the event on Facebook.
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André Fortin will answer questions live on the radio tomorrow morning (Wednesday, September 4th) at CHIP 101.9
The MNA for the Pontiac, André Fortin, will answer questions from the citizens tomorrow morning during Bonjour Pontiac, at around 8:20 am. People are invited to call 819-683-3155 to ask questions to the MNA. In addition to the questions from the public during this live interview at CHIP 101.9, subjects such as the parliamentary return […]
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Vandalism at the Centre des loisirs des Draveurs
The municipality of Mansfield urged its citizens to find the people responsible for the vandalism at the Centre des loisirs des Draveurs (Fort-Coulonge arena) on Monday, September 2nd. Many pieces of equipment were broken, such as the cash registers, vending machines and office equipment. The Facebook post also mentions that the municipalities of Mansfield and […]
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A real estate market in transition
CHIP 101.9 recently added to its team for the 2019 programming a real estate agent for Century 21 Elite in the Pontiac, Sébastien Bonnerot. For his first intervention, Sébastien Bonnerot mentioned that the real estate market across the region has undergone changes in recent months. Sébastien Bonnerot’s first radio interventions on the real estate market […]
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The Syndicat du personnel de l’enseignement des Hautes-Rivières underlines the shortage of staff at CSHBO
According to the Syndicat du personnel de l’enseignement des Hautes-Rivières (Teachers’ Union), the current labour shortage in teachers would have also had an impact on the Hauts-Bois de l’Outaouais school board (CSHBO). Last Friday, the Syndicat issued a press release mentioning that the school board has had “no choice but to hire non-qualified teachers in […]
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Labor Day: MRC Pontiac offices closed
Note that the offices of the MRC Pontiac and the SAAQ in Campbell’s Bay will be closed Monday, September 2nd, due to Labor Day.
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Caution on the roads during Labor Day weekend
On the eve of the start of Labor Day weekend, the Sûreté du Québec is calling for caution on the roads. In a statement issued by the SQ, it was said that “they have seen 53 fatal collisions occur throughout the region since June 21st.” The Police will be deployed to the area to respond […]
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Upcoming cleaning days in Otter Lake
The Municipality of Otter Lake is holding another ‘cleaning days’ on September 7th and 8th for its residents who wish to throw away any household waste at no additional charge. CHIP 101.9 recently spoke to the Mayor, Kim Cartier-Villeneuve, who gave more details. On a similar topic, Otter Lake recently started a municipal composting system […]
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Back to school 2019-2020
The students of the Hauts-Bois de l’Outaouais School Board (CSHBO) were back in school today, CHIP 101.9 spoke with one of the new teachers of École Notre-Dame-du-Sacré-Coeur in Chapeau, Jean-Christophe Béarez, who talked about his new position. For this new school year, the CSHBO’s Educational Resources Department organized for the first time a support plan […]
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