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Caution on the roads during Labor Day weekend

Caution on the roads during Labor Day weekend

30 August 2019 à 12:00 am

On the eve of the start of Labor Day weekend, the Sûreté du Québec is calling for caution on the roads. In a statement issued by the SQ, it was said that “they have seen 53 fatal collisions occur throughout the region since June 21st.” The Police will be deployed to the area to respond to and counter delinquent behaviour, with a focus on the three main causes of serious fatalities and collisions; speed, distraction and driving under the influence.

Last year, 5 fatal collisions occurred over Labor Day weekend. The Sûreté du Québec is therefore asking motorists to respect the Highway Safety Code, to be patient and to be courteous when sharing the road.

Remember that being vigilant when approaching an intersection and adapting your driving to the presence of heavy trucks, motorcyclists and cyclists is a great way to reduce the risks of being involved in a collision.