Local News

Tourisme Outaouais invites people to discover the best wines, beers, ciders and spirits of the Pontiac
Outaouais Tourism ran advertisements for the Tap & Cork Tourist Route, which is a self-guided tour showcasing the best wines, beers, ciders and spirits from the Pontiac and Ottawa River regions in Ontario. People are invited to discover the delicious creations and to listen to the stories of the producers who testify to their passion […]
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Prevent fires in the winter season
The MRC Pontiac has published safety advice to prevent fires during the winter season. The Coordinator in public security at the MRC, Julien Gagnon, recalled some instructions, especially during the holiday season. CHIP101.9 · Clip – Julien Gagnon – Fire Prevention The full interview with Julien Gagnon is available here. A full video on prevention […]
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Emergency child care services at CSSHBO for essential workers
The general management of the Centre de services scolaire Hauts-Bois-de-l’Outaouais (CSSHBO) wishes to inform parents of children who hold a job considered essential that emergency childcare services will be organized at four locations in our territory, in Fort-Coulonge, Campbell’s Bay, Gracefield and Maniwaki on December 17, 18, 21 and 22. These emergency childcare services will […]
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Preparations for the arrival of vaccines have started
The Centre intégré de santé et de service sociaux (CISSS) de l’Outaouais held a press conference yesterday (December 10) to take stock of the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Outaouais. Following an increase in cases in recent weeks, the regional director of public health, Brigitte Pinard, said she was encouraged by the progress […]
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Alex Tyrrell maintains his support for Roger Fleury
Following the cultural hunt organized by Roger Fleury, designating himself Chief Pontiac Anishinaabek Fort de Coulonge Kichesipirini, which elicited reactions from the Algonquin Anishinabeg Nation Tribal Council, as well as the Executive of the Green Party of Quebec (PVQ) , it is the turn of the leader of the PVQ, Alex Tyrrell to react. Alex […]
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A prize awarded to 37 community radio stations
Yesterday (December 9) was the Gala of the Association des radios communautaire du Québec (ARCQ) on Zoom. During the event, prizes were awarded and among these prizes, we note the award of the Résonance prize, which highlights the contribution of one of its members to Quebec and community radio. ARCQ President Tanya Beaumont presented the […]
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Bob Rioux addresses the issue of administration fees
Centraide Outaouais’s fundraising campaign continues in Pontiac and the president of this campaign, Bob Rioux, wanted to explain the internal workings of the organization. Among other things, he discussed the administrative costs of the organization, since he said he received several questions on this subject from the public. CHIP101.9 · Extrait – Centraide – frais […]
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Data that differ for the Municipality of Pontiac
The Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux (CISSS) de l’Outaouais updated their stats on Thursday. A total of 51 cases of COVID-19 have been recorded in the Pontiac Local Health Network (RLS) since the start of the pandemic, including nine (9) active cases. On the other hand, an anomaly, which should be corrected […]
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Transcollines announces evening and weekend services
Transcollines announced the deployment of evening and weekend public transportation service starting January 4, which will have an impact for customers in the MRC Pontiac and the Municipality of Pontiac bound for the Gabrielle-Roy campus at the Cégep de l’Outaouais. The Director of Development and Planning, Benoit Legros, explains that this addition will have an […]
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Impératif français organizes three artistic competitions for the holiday season
The Impératif français organization has set up three competitions in the fields of literature, painting and video. “Many people are looking to fill their time and the people of Pontiac are invited to participate in one, two or even all three competitions. The pandemic is not stopping us, ” argued the president of Impératif français […]
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