Local News

CHIP 101,9 presents “Veranda” this evening
CHIP 101,9 will present this evening the recording of the show of the group Véranda, formed by actress Catherine-Audrey Lachapelle and the musician Léandre Joly-Pelletier. In an interview on CHIP 101.9, the band explained that they offer a perfect blend of influences, tuning country, folk and bluegrass, and navigate between the simplicity of old country […]
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Loisir Sport Outaouais highlights Louis Harvey’s involvement
Loisir sport Outaouais (LSO) recognized the volunteer work of Louis Harvey, citizen of Mansfield-de-Pontefract, involved in various projects in the community, such as the organization of the illumination of the Félix-Gabriel-Marchand bridge, the Phare Ouest organization and also the Aventure Hélianthe cooperative. He said he was honored by this recognition. “I was surprised in a […]
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All of Quebec is going into the green zone on Monday
Every region of Quebec will move to the green zone as of Monday, June 28, as daily COVID-19 cases drop and vaccination rates continue to rise. The premier said during todays news conference that as of Friday, those in private homes with two vaccine doses can gather without wearing masks, and 3,500 people are welcome […]
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Changes requested to the signage on the 4-lanes of the 148 in Luskville
Dangerous intersection, insufficient signage and increasing traffic, this is what entrepreneurs and politicians argue about the 4 lanes of Route 148 in the Luskville sector of the Municipality of Pontiac. The MNA for the Pontiac, André Fortin, in the company of the mayor of the municipality of Pontiac, Joanne Labadie and local merchants, held an […]
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The number of active cases is decreasing in the Pontiac
The number of active cases of COVID-19 in the Pontiac territory has decreased in recent days, reaching 9, as of June 20. The situation remains stable in the city of Gatineau with 41. In total, there are currently 68 active cases of COVID-19 in the Outaouais according to the Centre intégré de santé et de […]
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Strike days for some employees at the CISSS de l’Outaouais
The Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux (CISSS) de l’Outaouais informs the public that the employees represented by the Alliance du personnel professionnel et technique de la santé et des services sociaux (APTS) are on strike on June 21 and 22, today and tomorrow. The APTS union identified these two days as a […]
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The CJE Pontiac is happy with most recent year, despite COVID-19 pandemic
The Carrefour jeunesse emploi du Pontiac (CJE Pontiac) held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) last Thursday (June 18) virtually. According to CJE Pontiac General Manager Karim El Kerch, despite the pandemic, the CJE Pontiac team has managed to offer unparalleled services to job seekers and at the same time help entrepreneurs in the region. “It […]
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Review from the SQ for the period from June 14 to 20 in the MRC Pontiac
Here is a summary of the activities and events that took place on the territory of the MRC Pontiac. For legal and security reasons and in order not to compromise ongoing investigations, certain events and activities cannot be included. Here is the report for the period from June 14 to 20, 2021 Monday June 14 […]
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Route 301 opened between Otter Lake and Campbell’s Bay
Route 301 is reopened in both directions. After being closed for a few weeks, causing major detours, route 301 once again allows residents of Otter Lake and Alleyn-et-Cawood (Danford Lake) to be able to join again the other municipalities of the Pontiac. As the works in the Crawford Road sector were completed, people were able […]
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The government of Quebec is deploying a research project on the inventory of turtles in the Outaouais
The ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs (MFFP) is currently coordinating the implementation of an innovative research project on the Blanding’s Turtle in the Outaouais. This project aims to test new inventory methods using environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis and drone monitoring. The Ministry therefore wishes to develop other methods for monitoring the […]
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